Chapter 24

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- A m ar a  R u s s o -

All I heard is muffled yelling and cursing as Salvestro led me away from the scene of Samantha shouting into the phone.

"Don't listen to her." Salvestro whispered to me.

"Why is she so angry?" I asked.

"No clue." Salvestro shrugged.

"I think she's angry at Ace." Sandeo piped up, giving me information I already knew.

"Well no shit, Sherlock." Santino replied sarcastically.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine in a few minutes." Salvestro shushed, and he was right.

Only a few minutes had passed when Samantha came back, face flaming red as she got her helmet and buckled it.

"So... What's the plan?"

"We are obviously still going to the mall." Samantha snapped, barely restraining her anger. "I just had to persuade Ace with a few things. No biggie."

"What things?" Sandeo wiggled his brows, but a warning look from Salvatore had his shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Nothing you should know about." she retorted.

"So... Are you still going to be taking Amara with you then?" Salvestro broke the tension, and Samantha turned to me with a brow raised.

"If she wants to. Do you want to ride with me? Or do you want to stay in the safety of your car?"

"I think I've had enough fun for the day." I answered, and she nodded, albeit she looked a bit disappointed with my reply.

"Alright then. Sandeo, I'm sure you want to stay with me then?"

"Hell yes!" Sandeo fist pumped the air and literally ran to her bike and got out a helmet from underneath the seat.

"But what about us?" the twins complained.

"One of you can ride with me on the way back." Samantha shrugged, "In the meantime, I'll drive Sandeo and myself to the mall. See you guys there!"

Samantha swung her leg over her seat and kicked off the thing that held her bike upright.

"Get in." she ordered, and Sandeo was only happy to comply as he jumped over the bike in a fluid motion that had me burning with jealousy. Sandeo seemed so familiar with bikes. I mean, if you rode one, you sort of have to be familiar with it.

Samantha revved the engine as Sandeo put his legs up, making sure that his legs didn't come in contact with the engine. He wrapped his arms around Samantha, and honestly, it made Samantha look so much smaller with Sandeo's arms around her.

"See you there." Sandeo called, and Samantha revved the engine one more time before speeding off, leaving me coughing at the dust produced.

"I wanted to be with her." Santino complained as the remaining five of us piled into the car.

"You will get your chance sometime during Christmas, Sandeo. Now get in. You don't want to be late do you?" Salvatore responded, and Santino's shoulders slumped in defeat before he, too, buckled his seatbelt.

"Let's go."


"You guys were so slow." Sandeo said the moment we entered the packed mall.

"That's nice." Salvatore replied, "Where's Samantha?"

"She went to take a call." Sandeo shrugged, "Anyways, why are we here anyways?"

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