Chapter 27

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"So... Who is Amara sharing a room with?"

"No one. We are all living in the same place, but we all have our different rooms." Salvatore replied tersely.

"So we are all in the same room?"


"Will all of us have our own rooms?"

"As of right now, yes."

"What do you mean by that?"

With that, Salvatore exploded. Honestly, I didn't think he'd last this long with the constant questions Sandeo was asking.

"It means that if you don't shut your trap, I will shut it for you and you won't have your own room!" he growled low and menacingly before storming to the front, leaving all of us behind and running after him.

"You should know to not push his buttons after the drive here." Salvestro admonished, and Sandeo only had a sheepish expression on his face.

"Yeah... Sorry."

Santino snorted, "Sorry? You're always sorry."

"Well what do you want me to do then?" Sandeo fired back, "It's not like I can reverse time so that I can zip my mouth shut!"

"Then just don't talk!"

"Not everyone is silent and broody like you two!"

"At least we're better than you!"

"You could never be better th-"

"You three better shut up. If you can't see, Salvatore's already nearing his last straw with the two of you.." Salvestro interrupted, and the three turned to the front to see that Salvatore had stopped.

With his shoulders rising up and down, I can hear him taking in deep breaths before letting it out as he clenched and unclenched his fists. His jaw tightened, and I can see him squeeze his eyes shut in concentration... So that he wouldn't punch his brother in his face, accidentally or not.

Taking a deep breath, Salvatore finally turned towards us, a deep frown etched onto his face.

"Sandeo, you'll get all of your questions answered when we arrive. If it is possible, please do shut your mouth as my patience is wearing out and is thinning." he said exasperatedly, before adding, "You do not want to see what happens when the ice breaks. You are walking on very thin ice with me."

"Right." Sandeo nodded his head in agreement, "I'll just shut my mouth and pretend that the twins didn't say anything to start the fight in the first place."

I'll pray for you, Sandeo. I really will.


"I want all of you to unpack your bags and meet me in the living room in thirty minutes." Salvatore ordered, and we all scurried into our assigned rooms.

When we had entered, I was met with the elegant looking condo house room. It wasn't even a hotel. It was more like a huge condo room with five rooms, one master bedroom, three bathrooms, two other toilet rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. Talk about comfort. There were even work rooms as well!

I entered my room, the room that was painted a greyish-blue colour. Looking around, I saw that my luggage was already inside for me, which just showed how fast this hotel worked, and how well their services are.

To be honest though, there wasn't much to pack or unpack, and Samantha said the same.


"Look, there isn't much to pack as we're only there for about two days, but I'm going to be packing clothes for a five day trip just in case." Samantha told me, and opened my suitcase, where all of my own clothes resided.

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