Chapter 14

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"Wake up! You have school today!" a voice shouted, rousing me awake.

Sitting up grumpily, I got out of bed, my messy curly black hair flowing behind me as I went to the washroom, putting my right hand in my hair. 

Scratching my head, I noticed that my right hand had dry skin that was now peeling off. Why the heck am I shedding my skin like a snake?

That aside, I'm finally able to use my hand to full capacity now, and I couldn't be happier. I may not be able to hold too many heavy things that can damage the skin that was only finally starting to heal, but I can still hold lighter things such as my own clothes, a paper, and best of all, my paint brushes.

Last night, I had literally slept with my brushes, crying myself to sleep when I was finally allowed to hold them. I didn't cry tears of sadness, but tears of joy, finally able to hold and draw now. 

"Bambina? Are you ready? We have to go to school." Salvestro knocked on the door, and I opened it, needing help. 

"Uh, yes but I need help." I said, cheeks burning. 

"What do you need help with?" he asked kindly.

"I... Don't know how to put this on." I blushed, mildly embarrassed as I waved at my hair. "I've never put my hair in a bun before, and that is a school requirement."

"A bun?" Salvestro repeated.

"Yea. I don't know how to get my hair into a bun. It is way too curly." I said, "I know how to put on the uniform, obviously, but I have no idea how to put it in a bun. I need help." I rambled, face burning red. 

Since I was going to a private school, they obviously had uniforms, and I have to say it actually looks nice. 

Wearing a short-sleeved dress shirt that was tucked into my dark green skirt that ended mid-thigh, my green tie with black stripes going diagonally was tucked neatly underneath my collar. With knee high black socks, this was the typical private school look as the school logo was also on the shirt and the skirt. 

"Do you not know how to put it in a bun?" Salvestro frowned, and I shook my head, my face getting if even possible, redder.

"No, I know how to do it, but it doesn't look good when I do it."

"Oh ok. Sure, I'll help." Salvestro said, and I let out a relieved breath of air. 

Sitting down at my vanity, Salvestro got out a comb to brush out my unruly hair. I didn't even know that Salvestro could do hair until now though as by the time he finished, my hair looked amazing. 

The curly strands were pulled straight, and no strand was left untouched as it was all pulled into the tight bun he made. Using at least twenty bobby pins to hold all of my hair together, I had to say that for the first time in forever, I actually liked having my hair up.

"Thank you." I said gratefully, admiring my hair.

"No problem. Glad my uncanny hair skills could be as of use." he chuckled, "Anyways, let's go. Your school starts at eight in the morning, and you have to have breakfast before then."

When I got down to the dining room, surprise surprise, Salvatore was there, a serious expression on his face. Not that his face isn't always pulled into a frown though.

"Uh, good morning." I said, and he nodded his head.

"Sit, Amara. I have a few things to discuss with you before you go to school." he stated, and I nodded my head, taking a chair and sitting on it tentatively.

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