Chapter 2

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"I'm betting everything I have that I'm going to punch you when I see you"

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"I'm betting everything I have that I'm going to punch you when I see you"

As Storm, Colossus, Bishop, Blink, Pyro, and Warpath went outside to keep an eye for any unwanted visitors Ella along with her twin, Erik, Kitty, Bobby, and Logan stayed inside to begin with their plan of sending Logan back in time to prevent the tragedy they were living.

The Xavier girl stood in the center of the empty room contemplating their situation as Logan barricaded the door of the monastery in case anything happened. Erik came and stood next to her putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze reassuring her that everything was going to be alright. The redhead looked up at his blue eyes and gave him a small tired smile before turning her attention back on the empty room in front of her, she slowly stretched one of her hands and created a stony table for Logan to lie down.

"So, I wake up in my younger body, god knows were, then what?" Logan asked as he made his way towards the table Ella just conjured.

"You'll need to go to the school and find Ella and me, convince us of all... of this" Charles answered him, moving to stand by his sister and Erik.

"Won't you be able to just read my mind?" Logan questioned making the redhead scoff and smirk at her twin.

"Not exactly..." she mumbled under her breath.

"I didn't have my powers in 1973," Charles said quickly and gave his sister an irritated look before looking back to Logan "Logan, you're going to have to do to me what I once did for you. Lead me, guide me. I was a very different man back then, you will have to be patient with me"

Logan chuckled and retorted "Patience isn't my strongest suit"

"Believe me, I know," Ella told him laughing lightly before giving a tired exhale "But you have to understand that it wasn't the best decade of our lives, a lot had happened back then..."

"You will need me as well" Erik suddenly spoke up making Logan look at him surprised.


"After Mystique left Charles and Ella, she came with me... and I send her on a dangerous path. A darker path. It's going to take the three of us, a time we couldn't be further apart" Erik told him and the twins nodded in agreement.

Logan looked at them, assessing everything they told him before nodding "Great, so where do I find you?"

"Well... that's complicated" Erik mumbled.

"I'm betting everything I have that I'm going to punch you when I see you" Ella smirked at the metal bender that stood beside her. After Erik left with Raven, Ella started to feel more and more lonely. She may have had Charles but with the school and everything they were too busy to have a proper conversation and when the school had to close because of the war Charles was devastated, closing himself off from her and Hank and resorting to drinking. This had weakened their bond so much that for some time Ella couldn't feel him at all.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you did," he told her with a skeptical look on his face as he contemplated it for a while "After everything that happened I-"

"I did it because I love you" Ella cut him off knowing very well what he was going to say "And because it was childish to keep going as we did back then. So, suck it up because I forgave you and I don't regret it at all"

Erik smiled warmly at her, something he did only for her. He drew her closer to him and kissed the top of her head in affection before holding her by his side as they watched logan lie down on the stone table "Thank you for that"

"You don't have to thank me, as I said I forgave you because I love you and I couldn't stay mad at you forever"

"Well, thank you for loving me then," he said and she laid her head on his shoulder giving him a small hum as an answer before focusing on what Kitty was saying at Logan.

"Basically, your body will go to sleep while your mind travels back in time. As long as you are back there past and present will continue to coexist. But once you wake up, whatever you've done will take hold and become history and for the rest of us, it will be the only history that we know.

It will be like the last 50 years never happened. In this world, this war. The only person who will remember it is you" Kitty explained before taking a shaky breath "Alright Logan I need you to clear your head and stay as calm as possible"

"What-What do you mean?" Logan asked.

"If your mind gets rocky it will be harder for me to hold you. You could start to slip between past and future" Kitty informed him.

"What if I need to get a little rocky?" he asked.

"I don't doubt it..." the Xavier girl mumbled.

"Think peaceful thoughts...?" Kitty shrugged.

"Peaceful thoughts" Logan breathed "Do you have any good news?"

"Well, you don't really age so you'll pretty much look the same"

"You won't have much time in the past" Bobby spoke up "Sentinel's will find us. They always do"

"And we won't be able to escape," Ella told him "This is our last chance"

As Kitty and Logan started to prepare (mentally) Erik turned to look sideways at his oldest friend, worry evident in his face as he talked to the twins "Do you really think this will work?"

"I have faith in him," Charles told him.

"It's not him I'm worried about. It's us. We were young we didn't know any better" Erik explained.

"We will now..." the redhead spoke up "Or else"

"This might sting a little" they heard Kitty say right before Logan's pained scream.

"Good luck my friend"


Well, I know it's kinda late but I couldn't find the time to upload this chapter and I'm sorry it's so small but I wanted the first two chapters to be the future, and yeaaah...

Anyway! What do you think? Did you like it? What do you want to see Ella do or more importantly what are you expecting to see? Please let me know (If you want of course) by commenting!

And don't forget to Vote (If you want, buuut... you will right?)!



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