Chapter 5

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"They're a pain in the ass"

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"They're a pain in the ass"

"Here, here, here!"

"Right, right!"

"No, it's left you dumbass!"


"Just stop!"

"Next time I'll drive"

"You wish! I won't let you boys drive, like-ever again!"

Having finally reached the Maximoff residence, the four mutants disembarked from the small rental car and followed Logan towards the foreign house. The Xavier girl looked around the place, examining the area. Her eyes fell on the small doormat that was filled with scrapings and burn marks.

What the bloody hell!

Logan knocked on the door and not a second later a woman answered, a tired expression on her face "What have they done now? I'll just write a check for whatever they took or damaged-"

"Oh, no. You don't have to worry!" Ella smiled at the poor woman.

"We just need to talk to them" Logan finished.

The woman sighed and nodded, thankful that it wasn't something severe "Peter! Wanda! The cops are here! Again..."

Walking down the stairs the redhead felt a foreign presence trying to access her mind. Strange, the only one she knew that could do that was her twin and his power was unavailable at the moment. Strange indeed. Could it... No, she probably was still buzzed from drinking a whole bottle of wine.

The stairs they descended led to a room full of different games and snacks that were probably stolen. Two kids were inside a boy and a girl. They were playing ping pong and from what Ella could see the girl was winning. The small ball was engulfed by a red aura and was doing some impossible moves, probably controlled by one of the teenagers, most likely by the girl as the boy tried to hit the ball by super speeding but the same red aura kept pushing him in different directions.

"Wandaaa! That's not fair! You can't do that!" the boy whined.

"If you're going to play that card, Peter, then you shouldn't use your super speed also!" the girl, Wanda, retorted.

"But that's impossible!"

"Then try to win with me using my power too. Oh, wait, you can't!"

The Xavier girl turned to whisper at Logan who seemed to have a small melancholic smile gracing his lips "Are they like that in the future too?"


Charles, seemingly annoyed by their little squabble, coughed loudly to gain their attention but that seemed pointless as the two continued to argue back and forth. Sighing, Logan moved forward trying to put a stop to this and that seemed to gain their attention as the boy, Peter, super sped to the couch and dragged his sister along with him making her stumble and fall to the ground in the process.

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