s1:ep7→(part ii) shady scheme

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❝(𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞𝙞) 𝙎𝙃𝘼𝘿𝙔 𝙎𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙈𝙀❞


This is getting out of hand, Saiki internally sighed.

Fortunately, Teruhashi is still oblivious to the fact that almost all the students in PK academy have at least one picture of her. If this gets to her, she'll freak out and hell will probably break loose.

Who is he kidding, hell will definitely break loose. With the help of precognition--which ended with an unbelievably painful headache--Saiki saw a future where the sun crashed onto the earth, burning everything and leaving nothing behind. A lot has happened but no one needs to know that.

Saiki sighed, miserable, I just had to do everything myself.

Using the power of mind control on Teruhashi, every time she sees an image of herself, her mind distorts her face into a monster. The visual image is somewhat similar to that one video game where you enslave creatures to fight for you but much, much creepier.

That's one problem solved, he slightly relaxed.

Now to find the culprit behind all of this.

The psychic sneaked out of the classroom and somehow managed to avoid Hairo or Nendou's attention. As he roamed around the halls, Saiki saw a queue of students that seems to be endless--he swore he saw a teacher but he ignored it. Looks like Kusuo didn't need clairvoyance to know where you went. He's surprised that you didn't die in the process knowing that Teruhashi's fanboys are a feral bunch.

The problem is that he can't get through the crowd without getting told off to not cut the line.

He internally groaned.

This is going to take a while.

Back to Teruhashi, she noticed a couple of her peers were trading and playing with what she assumed were playing cards. Leading her to believe that it's a new and popular card game.

..Am I going behind a trend!?

She panicked. Luckily, the deities gave her mercy--as always--and one of the candid photo that you took gracefully fell to her feet. Taking her chances, she snatched the photo and observed it, in hopes to easily catch up and be hip with the kids.

When Kusuo's mind control finally taking effect, Teruhashi shivered at the horrific display.

What the hell!? This looks like absolute shit!

The pretty girl began to question everyone's taste in everything. Has humanity stopped evolving and lost its mind that they resolved to liking visually shitty card games? Actually, yeah, that seems to be the case.

"Oh wow, thank you for picking it up for me, Teruhashi!" Her classmate chimed in, gingerly taking the picture from her. "Your photos are quite popular!" Teruhashi did a double take at the student's statement.

"Photos? Me..?"

"You look incredibly cute in this one!" Her classmate showed her another picture, pointing at the thing with a wholesome smile.

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