s1:ep13→(part i) the hard-knock life of a wannabe maid

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a/n: got myself distracted by harvest town. Here's a 3.4k word chapter as an apology.

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𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙉𝘼𝘽𝙀 𝙈𝘼𝙄𝘿 (𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞)❞

"I'm not following the family tradition anymore."

"What!?" Your father spat his coffee all over your uniform and violently let out a series of coughs. "You're lucky you only told this to me  -- our relatives wouldn't approve of your choice, y'know?" you solemnly nodded your coffee-spitten head and uttered a small 'I know'.

The (l/n) family.

Immorality runs in their veins, and shamelessness is in their nature. It's impossible to break the chain of fraudulence and quackery.

But you were willing to try. Keyword: try.

"Curiouser and curiouser, what made you change your mind?" he asked, leaning forward. The porcelain mug he once held laid neglected on his left.

"I don't know...After I heard Mrs. Saiki's situation about the whole salesman thing," you paused, scratching your head in pure embarrassment, "I just -- I felt bad, okay?" you huffed out.

When you made the promise of kicking swindling asses, it was out of impulse. You made yourself sound like a hypocrite.

You fiddled with the towel and gently dabbed it on your face, cleaning off the caffeine stain.

"You sound just like your mom." His cooing made you stop and glare at him. "That lil' minx was a big tsundere with a heart of gold." He gave you a grin. "It's cute."

You scoffed, "I don't know what she found in you. You're a scum -- take full offense, pops."

"That's what your mother told me and proceeded to put me in my place," he leaned on his palm and dreamily sighed. The action made you look at him, disgusted.

"Masochist," you spat, walking away to head to your room.

"Can't help it, runs in the family!" He chortled, his lively personality never faltered even after your 'disgraceful' declaration of basically disowning yourself from the (l/n) family. You liked that about him; he's an open-minded man, unlike other adults his age.

"Oi, kiddo," he softly called out before you were out of earshot. You paused, firmly planting your feet on the creaky stairs. "Whatever you're planning to do, I'm always by your side, alright?"

There are times your papa can be wholesome and tender. You'll never grow accustomed to his sudden bursts of sincerity. Times like these were rare.

"Stop being genuine, it's creepy."

"Why you -- !"

You ignored him, attempting to hide the smile that's forcing its way to your lips. Hopefully, your journey to 'normalcy' and 'righteousness' goes down smoothly. You mentally prepared for what you're signing up for; a slave to the society.

If I want to change, I'll need to stop being shady and earn money fair and square, you furrowed your eyebrows as you played with the straps of your bag. You noticed that you're familiar with almost all of the students in PK academy; you awkwardly nodded at some of them when they waved at you. You can only blame the Teruhashi scheme for that.

A part-time job in a decent café, maybe?

Serving at a café is probably the most easiest job you can think of, second to working behind a cash register at a convenience store. In addition, a coffee house has more class and you know someone who works in one. Connections are important.

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