s1:ep25→I only eat star-shaped sand

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The skies are clear in Okinawa. The teachers have finally allowed the PK Academy students to walk around the nearby shopping district, but everyone must depart in pairs or groups for safety purposes.

But who listens to teachers anyway? Not you, obviously.

As you look at the little, cheap souvenirs that you have no intention of buying, you spot a certain blue-haired pretty girl walking alone and softly humming to herself. Every step she takes causes a flower to sprout out like she's some sort of D*sney princess ( Though you wouldn't question it if she is one. ) You didn't know Teruhashi was also a little troublemaker but you've been meaning to talk to her for a while.

"Mimi-chan!" You loudly called and she violently flinched. You can almost imagine the expression she's making. 

After a short pause to register your voice, the girl fled the other direction and tripped over her foot with an audible thud. You let out a wince in sympathy. That's gotta hurt. You wanted to laugh but that won't look good on your part.

Like a decent human being, you approached her and offered your hand. "Oi, are you oka -- ack!" Before you could utter out the rest of your sentence, you were pushed away by a group of young adults and teenagers alike -- A flock of simps as one would say -- causing you to fall on your ass.

"Young lady, are you okay?" One asked.

Another interjected, "Would you like some water? Bandages?" They all talked in unison, making it hard for you to distinguish what they are squabbling about.

"W-what the hell. . ." you glared at the strangers crowding around her. You're not sure if her beautiful face is a curse or a blessing, but you hope she only draws decent people with actually good intentions.

The pesky little demon in your ear almost persuaded you to leave her alone, but this is Okinawa. An unfamiliar prefecture, far, far away from your hometown. The morals you never knew existed within you suddenly reared its head, leaving you in a sour mood. God, even the little angel you've shunned since childhood, who was aggressively whispering in your right ear to not abandon Teruhashi, was annoying you to death.

You stopped for a moment to consider whether it was worthwhile. Has Teruhashi done anything bad to you that will give you a reason to not get her out of her current situation?

. . .Well, she did ditch you when you were both on cleaning duty.

To save or not to save?

"Ugh, fuck it," you said through gritted teeth.

You bulldozed your way towards the girl, unconsciously balling your fists and kicking those surrounding her where the sun don't shine. If you're going to jail for assault, at least your going to jail saving someone from potentially getting kidnapped ( albeit reluctantly ).

"Outta the way, perverts!" Kicking the last man on the ankles, you picked up Teruhashi by using the most generic way to pick up a person in a shoujo manga: The princess carry. You don't think you can hold her for more than 10 seconds but with the power of fictional logic, you managed to flee the area whilst carrying a sack of flesh meat in your arms.

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