s1:ep2→ woes and foes

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Oh Gods what is happening, it's your first day in PK academy and you already got yourself involved in an accident. The guy with the broccoli hair unfortunately fell on you and instead of dodging him, you caught him out of instinct. Why did you do it? Well, he kind of reminded you of your neon green-haired ex-friend back when you were 6 years old. Oh, to be a kid again. Alas, you're not as strong as the other teenagers, so as a result, you fell to your demise along with the broccoli-haired student.

When your life flashed before your eyes, you remembered the wise words of your papa:

"Hippos send their shit flying to attract mates!"

..No, not that.

"No good deeds goes unpunished."

"Acts of kindness backfire on those who offer them."

Yeah, sometimes, the world makes you want to go apeshit.

You managed to bump your head hard on the gym's floor. Luckily, you didn't crack your skull open and spilled your brains out...if you even have one anymore. You would've snickered at that joke if you weren't unconscious. You were thankful that whoever deity that was watching over you right now had the heart to give you even a bit of mercy.

Before your eyes closed shut, the last thing you saw was a piss yellow mohawk.


"—h..u h?....s —th.....nurse dead too?" Slowly, you're starting to regain conciousness, your body feels heavy and the person carrying you is treating you like a sack of potatoes. What made this experience even more wonderful is your raging headache. But with all the pain you've suffered throughout the years, you think you can manage a little head pain.

"I guess I'll have to do mouth-to-mouth myself," you blinked. Mouth-to-mouth? Before you can even raise your head to look who your captor is, you heard someone shriek and threw the both of you to the side. Your frontal bone clanged on the bed's metal frame while the guy who was carrying you got scot free, What a way to wake a person up, you quietly groaned. You were a one hundred and one percent sure that you have a concussion from hitting your head two times on the same day.

Without moving your head, you took a peek at the broccoli head who is rushing towards the sink,

"I don't need your mouth-to-mouth you stupid idiot!" He then proceeded to gargle...or maybe he was trying to drown himself? Wait, is he vomiting? Not to judge but—Disgusting. You can't see it from where you are but you can imagine that it's the same color as his hair. You shivered at the thought.

"You're better! Well, that's nice to see," the big guy beside you marveled at the teen as your body laid next to him motionless and not okay. You began to tune out from the chaos around you and pondered what you're going to cook for dinner. At least thinking about it made you feel kind of better. Uh-oh, you're starting to lose conciousness again. Maybe you should go home today? Getting brain damage two times is a perfectly reasonable excuse to go home, right?

You quietly sighed from the despair you're currently feeling, fortunately, and also unfortunately, it was loud enough for boy with the piss-colored mohawk to hear you. Nendou whipped his head to check your condition and saw your half-dead expression. He blanched but he quickly recovered. Did you really look that bad?

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