Chapter 3

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Copyright © 2012 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 3

              Jenkins accepted her two weeks' notice which Anna was happy about. She did feel guilty when she handed in her notice. She was leaving Chrissie here to survive by herself. It also really hit her hard that she was getting to leave the city when she handed in her notice.

              For the past couple of days Anna had been packing nonstop. She'd gotten rid of a lot stuff, but she'd also kept a lot because she just couldn't part with some of her belongings.

              She only had a little under two weeks left to go. Besides packing a ton Anna had been spending a ton of time with Chrissie before she had to leave.

              Last night Brent had called her with the details with her flight and the shipping of her stuff. They'd chatted a little bit, but it had seemed like he hadn't really wanted to talk too much so she'd made an excuse to get off the phone after talking for about ten minutes.

              Anna was excited to meet Brent in person. He seemed like a great guy, she could get used to spending time with him. She liked talking with him just from their two short conversations. Although he'd seemed kind of reserved like he didn't exactly want to talk to her, but then again maybe she was just imagining it.

              As she was packing she found a box in the bottom of her closet. It was filled with little things she'd kept to help her remember her family. She hadn't talked to them in a little over five years. As soon as she'd announced she was moving to the city they'd disowned her.

              The scars from their disapproval were still raw, and whenever she thought about them not wanting her anymore she fought to keep the tears at bay. She couldn't leave they'd just disowned her. Weren't you supposed to love your children? Obviously her parents had missed that little piece of information.

              It wasn't like she'd been trying to forget about her country roots. The only reason she had moved to the city was that she'd hoped that she could kick start her career which she couldn't really do where she was from. Her parents hadn't wanted to listen to reason though. They heard the word 'city' and then she meant nothing to them.

              What hurt the most was that she hadn't seen her little brother. She missed him so much, Jake was everything to her. Her parents refused to let him talk to her when she'd first left but he was now twenty-four and every once in a while she would get a letter or a postcard from him. Most of the time they just told her that he was doing well and that he missed her. No matter how bad she wanted to reply to them she had to refrain from doing so because if her parents found out he was speaking to her then they'd disown him too, and Anna wouldn't be able to live with herself if that happened.

              While she was going through the box she found a picture from Jake's first birthday party, she was standing next to him and both of their faces were covered in chocolate cake. It was the perfect picture.

              After she finished looking at the picture she put it up and carried the box into the living room. She tried to pack some more so that she could avoid thinking about her family. She missed them so much, but she just had to push through it and think about all the good things she currently had in her life.


              The last of Anna's time in New York had come to an end; she'd finished her last day of work a couple days ago. They'd thrown her a little going away party with a really cute cake. Chrissie was the only person who knew why Anna was going to Montana. Her old coworkers just thought that she was going home to be with her family.

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