Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 9

              "Why? What happened to him?" Anna was genuinely curious and worried about what had happened to Brent.

              Cassie sighed hating that she was going to have to tell someone about that depressing time in Brent's life. "A couple of years ago Brent started to date this girl named Leslie." Cassie paused not knowing how to best explain what had happened in the past.

              "I thought she was really sweet and genuine when I first met her, not mention gorgeous and I mean gorgeous. She looked like a model right out of a country magazine. She was so sweet and kind, and when I looked at her she seemed like she really cared about him." Emotion was clogging Cassie's throat and she had to pause.

              Anna came up to her and hugged her tight knowing this was hard for Cassie to talk about because she loved her brother so much. "It's okay Cassie you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

              "No, no I need to," Cassie said in a rush. "After they'd been dating a couple months Leslie started to ask subtle questions about the ranches finances and I told her not realizing what I was doing. I was like putty in her hands. By then my brother was so smitten with her - excuse my old fashion term - that he couldn't think straight anymore."

              "One day she and Brent had gotten back from town and I had noticed that she was towing around bags with an assortment of items in them. Not to mention the new clothes she was wearing. He'd bought her a Stetson that must have cost him at least five-hundred dollars, and then the huge sterling silver belt buckle she was wearing - which I don't even want to know how much that cost him. Her boots were brand new as well, they were made of some expensive leather making them cost probably as much as her new Stetson had."

              Cassie swallowed and willed her tears to stay at bay. "It all became so clear why she'd been asking about our finances and everything. She didn't really love him she was just trying to get as much as she could out of him. That enraged me so much."

              "Oh, Cassie I'm so sorry that couldn't have been easy for you." Anna felt so bad for her; she'd been caught in the middle of a bad relationship because she'd known what Leslie had been up to.

              "It wasn't." Cassie grabbed a knickknack from one of the shelves in the store and fidgeted with it. "I didn't know what to do, my brother was in love with her and she was using him. It took me a long time to tell him about what Leslie was doing, but he didn't believe me and told me not to lie to him."

              "After they'd been dating for almost a year he proposed to her and she'd accepted. For a while he wasn't buying her as much stuff and I couldn't help but think that maybe it had been a phase in their relationship that was over."

              Cassie felt like crying as she continued on. "Then a couple weeks before their wedding I caught her out in the stable with one of the hands. Let's just say they were in a very compromising position on one of the hay bales. I was shocked I never thought that she would cheat on my brother."

              "Wow she really was a bitch." Anna had spoken the words in her head before she could stop them. "Sorry, go on."

              "You don't have to be sorry she really was a bitch." Cassie had a little bit of a smile gracing her face after what Anna had said. "Anyways the next day I confronted her and told her about how I knew about her wild nights with one of our hands. At first she claimed that they weren't true and the she told me that if I ever told Brent she'd make sure he got rid of me."

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