Chapter 5

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 5

             Anna had been riding around for a couple hours when she realized that she had no clue where she was, and she had no idea how to get back to the barn.

             Stupid Brent, this was all his fault. If he hadn't been so cruel and rude in the barn then she wouldn't be lost in a place that was foreign to her. Anna rode cupid over the ridge and spotted a very big whitebark pine tree. The tree was the perfect place for Anna to wait until help came.

              Quickly she looked at her phone trying to see if she could get service, but it was no use there were no bars on her smartphone. Anna couldn't help but think that smartphones are just dumb phones in disguise.

              After Anna had dismounted Cupid she tied his reins to the tree, and grabbed a book out of her saddlebags. The book was a romance novel. Anna had a soft spot for them. She could get lost in one so quickly, and then only emerge for reading it once she'd finished it. It was her guilty pleasure.

              When Anna was reading romance novels she could just let go and relax, just being herself. Anna loved to read romance novels because they were her escape, but more than that they helped her believe that she could really find love and have it last forever. One of the reasons she was in Montana was because she'd decided to try and take a chance on love, but that was only a small reason why she was in Montana.

              Cupid neighed in protest when Anna sat down and began to read. Anna just tried to ignore him. It was easier than admitting defeat to a horse.

              The cover of the book was of a shirtless cowboy, much to her delight. She began reading about a brooding man and his trouble with falling in love, and the sweet girl that came along and helped heal his heart so that he could love her, like she did him.


              If there was one thing Brent felt, it was guilty. He hadn't seen Anna since he yelled at her, and that had been hours ago. It was now approaching five o'clock and he was starting to get antsy about not being able to find Anna anywhere.

              He'd asked the hands if they'd seen Anna, but half of them had no clue who he was talking about and the other half had no clue where she was or where she could be.

              Although he had found out that Clint and Cassie were checking the fences, and should be back soon, which was odd because none of the fences where damaged, well at least not that he knew of.

              Maybe he should just go and look around again. He hadn't checked to see if she was in her room. He'd just go there first and if she wasn't there then he'd check everywhere else again, maybe he'd ride out and see if she'd gone for a ride.

              Brent walked over to the house and when he arrived at her room he knocked hesitantly, but no one answered. Maybe she was asleep, so he knocked again but louder and longer this time. Still there was no answer. Okay, so she wasn't in her room. He looked around the rest of the house, and he still couldn't find her. Brent was really nervous and it didn't help that he felt guilty.

              Back outside he looked anywhere there was a place she could be and yet he still couldn't find her. Brent walked over to the barn so that he could get Maverick saddled to ride out and look for her. As he was walked to the tack room he saw that Cupid's stall was empty, and then it all came back to him.

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