Chapter 19

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 19

            “Hey, sleepy head.” Cassie said when Anna walked into the kitchen a little after noon clutching something in her hand. Cassie was sitting at the island holding a cup of decaf coffee, and while she read a book.

            “Hey. Did Brent really leave?” Anna asked as she grabbed a mug from the cabinet above the coffee maker.

            “Yeah, it was sometime around six or seven I think.” Cassie set her book off to the side, and motioned towards the coffee maker.  “There’s regular coffee in there, and decaf on the stove in the percolator.”

            “Thanks.” Anna yawned, covering her mouth with the hand that was not holding the mug. “I had the sweetest dream last night.”

            Cassie smiled to herself; she had a pretty good idea of what they were about. “That can happen to a person when they’re drunk. What were they about?”

            There was a small smile on Anna’s face as she filled her mug with the steaming hot coffee. “You brother held me all night long while we slept, it was really sweet.”

            “I hate to burst your bubble, but that wasn’t a dream.” Anna was so shocked by Cassie’s revelation that she almost dropped her mug.

            “What do you mean it wasn’t a dream?” She was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.

            “Last night when I came upstairs to go to bed, I decided that I’d check on you and Jess to make sure you were both alright. When I opened your door I found you Brent holding you, and you were both completely contempt, and sound asleep. Jess is still zonked out upstairs, just in case you were wondering.”

            The kitchen was silent for a minute. “Oh… I guess that explains why I got the best night of sleep I’ve ever had. I must have been really comfortable.”

            “Yeah, you two sure looked cozy.” She changed the subject. “Did Brent leave you a note?”

            “He did,” Anna quickly set down her mug on the island, and opened the piece of paper she’d had in her hand, and then handed it Cassie.

            “Have you thought any more about your guys’ relationship?” Cassie questioned her as she handed the note back.

            “A little,” Anna said, as she opened the fridge and grabbed the bacon, eggs, and bread. “Do you want some breakfast, or should I say brunch since it’s almost noon?”

            “Sure, do you want some help?” Cassie got up from her chair, and went and grabbed a couple of pans for the bacon and eggs to cook in.

            “That would be great,” Anna said, as she set all the food down next to the stove.

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