Chapter 4

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I'm sorry for not getting another chapter up sooner. I've had some family issues and I also had to put my dog down today. Safe to say it hasn't been the best week.

You will be meeting a new character in this chapter. I felt like I had to give Cassie a beau, the picture on the side is of Clint. I hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote!

Copyright © 2012 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 4

               A light streaming through Anna's window woke her up the next morning. Looking at her alarm clock she realized that it was half past seven in the morning. She never slept in that late during the week. She must really have been exhausted the night before.

              Grudgingly she got out of bed and went to go take a shower in the bathroom across the hall. Afterwards she felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. She made it down stairs at a quarter past eight and much too her surprise both Cassie and Brent were in the kitchen eating breakfast.

              "Good morning, I'm glad you're awake. I didn't want to wake you up because I figured you'd still be tired from yesterday." Cassie said.

              "Thanks I was, but nothing that a good night's sleep couldn't fix." Anna inhaled and hit with the mouthwatering aromas of whatever they were eating. "Wow, something smells delicious."

              Brent looked up from his paper. "There are some fresh cinnamon rolls in the kitchen. Feel free to help yourself."

              "Okay." Anna made her way to the kitchen and as she was about to grab a plate when she realized she had no clue where they were.

              Brent had been watching her and realized that she had no clue where anything was in the kitchen. "The plates are in the cabinet above the sink to the right and the glassed are to the right. You'll find silver wear in the draw to the right of the sink."

              She smiled at him. "Thanks." He just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.

              Anna walked back to the table with a cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee."

              Brent stood from the table and pushed his chair in. "I'm going to go and start working. I'll see you two later."

              Anna thought that it was odd that right after she had sat down Brent had left. Hmm, he invited her here, yet he doesn't want to spend time with her, how peculiar.

             Something on Anna's face must have given away what she was thinking because Cassie spoke up. "Don't worry he's not that comfortable around females he's not related to, just give him some time, I'm sure he'll warm up to you."

              "You're probably right." Anna looked around and then back at Cassie. "I was wondering if you could show me around the ranch. I'd really like to get to know this place."

              As soon as Anna said that Cassie's eyes lit up. "I was hoping you would ask me to show you around." She looked at Anna who was still eating and spoke again. "We can go once you're finished eating."

              Quickly Anna ate the rest of her cinnamon roll and then washed it down with the last of her coffee. She put her dishes in the dishwasher and then followed Cassie outside.

              It took Anna a few seconds for her eyes to readjust too the brightness of the sun. The ranch was just as beautiful during the day as it was the night. As she was looking around she noticed things that she hadn't seen the night before. About two hundred yards away from the house, to the right there was a huge barn that must hold at least twenty or more horses. Across from the barn there were multiple corrals, all ranging in size.

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