Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

            Anna was so happy Brent was finally awake. “How are you feeling,” she asked him.

            He looked at her a little weird. “Like hell, everything hurts.” Madison took that as her que to go and get him some pain killers. “Are you my angel? You look like an angel.”

            “Uh… no. I’m Anna. Do you remember me Brent?”

            “No, but your my angel. You kept me company while I was sleeping.” He flashed her boyish grin.” His face was covered in the beginnings of a beard, and Anna had to admit. He looked quite sexy to her.

            “I live on your ranch, Brent. I’m your girlfriend.” Anna told him as simply as she could.

            He cocked his head to the side. “My girlfriend, but I thought you were my angel?”

            Anna couldn’t help herself, she giggled. He was just so cute. He looked like a lost puppy. “Nope I’m your girlfriend. We’ve been seeing each other since the end of September, beginning of October.”

            “Huh.” With his arm that wasn’t injured he scratched his forehead in confusion.

            The nurse came back into the room and pulled Anna to the side for a chat. “It seems that Brent has short term memory loss. He can’t remember anything since the middle of August.”

            “August? So he doesn’t remember me does he?” Anna felt like she’d been punched in the gut. All the air fled from her lungs for a few seconds.

            “I’m afraid so. I’m sorry this must be hard to handle. I’ve seen this multiple times before, and most people make a full recovery in a little while. Although, we won’t know for sure until we do some test on him.” The nurse smiled at Anna reassuringly. “The good news is that he seems to remember you some.”

            Anna had a blank look on her face. “Yeah, I guess so.”

            “One thing that you can do is bring in some of the stuff that he’s last seen. Those items could help trigger some memories that might help to return his memory.”

            Relief flooded Anna, there was a way help him get his memory back. She’d talk to his family and find out where the stuff from his hotel room was currently.

            “I’ll go talk to the rest of his family, and see what I can scrounge up,” Anna told the nurse.

            “Sounds like a plan. Now I just need to give him his pain killers.” The nurse walked over to Brent and handed him a little cup filled with a couple pills, and then she held the straw up from his water cup so that he could wash them down.

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