Chapter 16

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

 Chapter 16

            “What the f*ck did you just say Leslie?” Cassie questioned her.

            “You heard me. Your brother wants me back. He said he’s tired of the bimbo he’s with.” Leslie smiled demurely at them.

            Anna stepped forward. “Excuse me; just who do you think you are? You think that you can just call me a bimbo and get away with it?!” Anna was fuming.

            “I do. You can’t even measure up to me you little slut. You have plain brown hair with split ends as far as the eye can see. Me, well, I’m blonde and blue eyed you can’t get much better than that. Plus, you could stand to lose a couple of pounds.” Jess and Cassie both looked ready to claw Leslie’s eyes out. They gasped not believing what she’d said. “As for me I’m perfect you much have seen my picture in magazines and what not. You can’t be fat if you want your photos to be plastered everywhere.”

            “You little b*tch. I can’t believe you went there. And just so you know my name is Anna you dumb bimbo. Brent would never go with you. He’s told me time and time again that he hates you, and wishes you the worst that can come to a person."

            “Well, slutty Anna that’s not what he said in the message that he left me on my phone.” She said in a sing song voice.     

            “Okay you dumb b*tch you need to stop talking because you just sound like an unintelligent oversized b*tch. Got it slutty, bitchy Leslie? Brent is with me and he will never go for you again. He learned his lesson the first time. Wish for a second chance all you want, but you won’t get one.” Anna was ready to attack. This little bitch was going to try and take her man. Well, you know what she wasn’t going to let that happen.

            “Fine you don’t believe me.” She grabbed out her new Samsung S4 smart phone. Not shocking in the least, she probably got one of her new beaus to buy it for her. “Then how about you listen to the message you little sluts?”

            Leslie messed with her phone a little bit and then all the sudden the voice mail was playing, and they all could hear Brent’s voice. “Hey, babe it’s me. I miss you. When are you coming home? Call me when you get this, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you, and I want you back. Talk to you later.”

            Anna stood there with her mouth wide open in shock. “No, no, it can’t be true he… he wants me, not you.”

            “Obviously not. Now if you three will move, I have to buy an outfit for when I go and see Brent. Have fun with your hopeless love life slutty Anna. Oh, I really like that name for you.” She cackled at Anna. “See y’all, next time you see me I’ll have Brent’s ring on my finger, again.” She strutted away laughing at the three of them just standing there staring after her.

            Anna hauled @ss the rest of the way back to the truck. She couldn’t, wouldn’t let anyone see the tears of hurt that Brent and Leslie had caused to spill from her eyes. She ended up sitting up against one of the truck tires.

            How could he have done this to her?!

            All he’d done was told her lies. She’d thought she could take his word and know that it was true, but now…

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