glass bones|| gilbert ross

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source: B the Beginning

artist: official art


When you had started working as an intern under the jurisdiction of the head forensics coroner for the RIS, you couldn't have been more excited. Finally your years in studying forensics were coming to a head and you'd finally be able to do the job you yearned for the most. You hoped with all your heart that you'd finally, finally have a chance to prove your forensic prowess now. You didn't need to become head coroner now - that could wait.

Besides, the current head coroner was simply amazing. Doctor Ross was not one to be messed with, but he was also a kind and gentle hand when showing you the ropes. He was so patient that you almost felt bad for occasionally messing up on purpose just so you could spend more time with him, but the more selfish part of yourself said it was fine. 

He rarely talked to you about what he did in his downtime, although sometimes you joined him for smoke breaks. He probably would've insisted that someone as young as you should quit early, but that would've made him a hypocrite. You would've enjoyed his admonishments despite the hypocrisy. Nobody would've been there to hear it but you. 

Unfortunately, he was also the only person you could've considered a friend in the RIS, since you were a reclusive person. Sometimes, when you worked overtime at the station, you'd watch as the police unit would group up and go out for drinks, the odd straggler heading home. You wanted something like that so, so badly. After high school, you had become a lonely stranger to everything and everyone, a social recluse. It hurt to live like this, but the anxiety of talking to others of your own accord was too much pressure. That's why you liked Doctor Ross. 

More often than not he was talking to you out of necessity, but the way he said more than what needed to be said, the way he so gently guided you with his words was more than enough to give you reason to adore him. So kind, so quiet, so gentle, especially with you. At least you hoped so. You never saw him with anyone else. You didn't find that strange. As often as adults told their little ones that humans were social pack animals, they never really made that true. Children may be pack animals, but adults were solitary. 

It was why you felt like it would be a good idea to ask him out for drinks with you. If not to get to know each other better, than at least a little reprieve from all the overtime he was working. You felt semi - confident, not sure if this surge of courage was good or bad. You'd ride this wave anyway, telling yourself that whatever would happen would happen and you wouldn't beat yourself up over it. That was definitely a lie but you let yourself believe that.

You stopped in front of Doctor Ross' desk, trying your damndest to maintain some type of formality, even with your cheeks hot to the touch. He glanced up at you easily enough once he'd finished writing whatever he was writing, his kind face so pretty and pale before you. You instantly became tonguetied and wanted to run away like a shy schoolboy without a second glance back his way, but you'd already come this far, might as well go through with it. 

"Working hard, Doctor?" His lips twitched the slightest bit upwards evermore, amused. 

"Of course, are you not?" You shook your head fervently. Working here was a dream come true, even if the paperwork was something you'd rather have less of. 

"Oh no, Doctor. It's lovely working here. I cannot thank you enough for letting me intern here." His smile brightened and his eyes squinted closed, crow's feet dancing at the corners of his mirthful eyes. You felt like you were looking at an angel.

You shuffled your feet, trying to prepare to ask him. As you played with the long sleeves of your turtleneck, Doctor Ross' smile started to fade, watching you. Surely you had not come here merely to make small talk. You were too studious to do so. He watched you fidget, taking you in. He wasn't dumb, he knew what a confession looked like. It'd happened multiple times in school. He might as well play along, though. Doctor Ross didn't want to scare you off.

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