golden bronze

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Kataoka Tesshin/Reader


*blowjobs. That's it.*

Source: Diamond no Ace


Baseball wasn't something (Y/n) was really good at understanding. Sports made his head hurt, but he wholeheartedly supported anybody he knew that adored sports. That's why he made sure to follow Tesshin to every single game he coached. Kataoka was special in the sense that (Y/n) didn't really need to know what the hell was going on, because the slight satisfied smiles that Kataoka allowed himself to have when Seidou won made (Y/n)'s heart swell with pride. That's how he shared Tesshin's joy and triumph. Sure, he could've asked the coach how baseball worked, but he'd gone to every. Single. Match. It felt like he was in too deep to ask how a sport he'd watched religiously with Tesshin for the whole 4 years since he came to Seidou actually worked. He didn't want to disrespect Kataoka, not when the baseball coach lived in (Y/n)'s head rent free 24/7 with no chance of eviction.

And to be fair, doubling as the Modern Japanese teacher was kind of a cute switch. Went to show that not all sports coaches were meatheads. But Seidou's trailblazing to Koshien was rough on the baseball team, especially with Tanba's injury. Kataoka was not feeling the team's morale. And his morale had been effected too, no doubt, so (Y/n) felt he should, as one of Kataoka's closest friends, help him raise it a little bit. Knocking politely and entering the teacher's lounge (even though he was a teacher himself), (Y/n) made straight for Kataoka, seated with the assistant coach.

"Hey, Rei-san, mind if I steal Kataoka for a second?" Rei looked up at (Y/n), a sly look in her eyes as the reclusive of the three tried to look as casual as possible. (Y/n)'s heart was racing as Rei nodded, getting up and heading to her desk. As she left he let out a breath of relief, taking the seat she'd previously been sitting in and stretching out his arms.

"Geez, she's so intimidating." Tesshin raised a brow as if to say "and I'm not?" but he knew (Y/n)'s answer. Kataoka was cuddlier than a teddy bear when he wasn't coaching or doing any of his baseball things. At least to (Y/n). Kataoka just looked severe all the time. The coach scratched his cheek as he waited for (Y/n) to say what he was going to say. The teacher always was a bit quiet before he actually started talking to Kataoka. At first it had been strange, but Tesshin was used to it by now.

"So, Kataoka-san, how about we go and have a little drink together? Doesn't have to be anything alcoholic. We could just go get food." Kataoka furrowed his brows. Why ask now? (Y/n) caught onto this question and breathed out through his nose.

"Listen, Coach, your team is stressed and morale is low, but you're also super stressed. You got a lot riding on you and the kids so why not come blow a bit of it off with me? I offered and I'll pay, so it's no big deal." Kataoka didn't let up the look on his face, but he did mull it over. Being a former ace player and current baseball coach meant that he had worlds' worth of discipline. But the crack and fracture to Tanba's jaw and the upcoming Koshien listings were both things that weighed heavily on his shoulders. (Y/n) leaned over and laid a hand on Kataoka's shoulder.

"I know you gotta work hard, but burning yourself out like this isn't gonna help anyone. I know you already have a plan for the kids, but I'm sure you can better it or at least execute it better when your head is clear after a relaxing evening, 'Kay? Just say the word and we'll go." Kataoka nodded. (Y/n) did comfort him greatly, and maybe getting away from the school for just a little bit would help him clear his head. He nodded again and stood, (Y/n) standing up with him.

"Let me go get changed then. I'll see you at the front of the school in 20." (Y/n) beamed and nodded, heading to the teacher dorms to go get changed too. He hoped a simple turtleneck and jeans wouldn't be too off-putting. He liked keeping his neck warm. Locking his dorm room and heading for the front of the school, he was able to witness Kataoka Tesshin in all his sexy dilfy glory. It was the same outfit he wore everyday after baseball practice - black button up with the top two buttons undone and black trousers - but it never failed to make (Y/n)'s head spin. How was he so FUCKING HOT?! He beat back the blush and prayed that it was dark enough out that coach wouldn't be able to see it.

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