hay loft || dio brando

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⚠️Gore warning⚠️

Source: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Requested by Djcupcake20


Dio wasn't one for romance. You knew that, obviously; you'd been his favorite pet for just about a century.


You had been replaced, it seemed, by none other than a very submissive and eager to please Vanilla Ice. You hated him so much you could cry. And you knew that Vanilla Ice could feel your hateful gaze on him every time he turned his back. You were here first. You were HIS first. You weren't afraid to stand your ground, especially when it came to Dio.

"Vanilla Ice." Your voice was warm and your smile sweet, the epitome of demurity. Vanilla Ice knew better. You were hateful and bitter and cruel. He'd seen you in action before. Nevertheless, he turned to answer you.

"Yes? What is it you want from me?" Your smile merely grew, eyes squinting with mirth.

"My my, I'm not going to bite you. I merely wish for your company." Vanilla Ice scoffed and moved to face you fully. He much would've preferred to look away, but turning his back on you was a fool's decision.

"I do not wish for the same." You hummed, smile still on your face but much less kind. What a bitch. You couldn't wait to get him out of the way. He wouldn't make a fool out of you anymore. Sidling up towards him, steps slow and calculated, you thought of all the horribly vicious things you could do to him right now. He was just a human - it would be so easy to peel the skin of his face back and dig your claws into the muscles of his face. See how much Dio would appreciate a slack faced, skinless underling.

Vanilla Ice wanted to take a step back, but he wasn't one to give in to cowardice. You were terrifying, but no harm would come of him under Lord Dio's care, the grand vampire assured. You, compared to Dio, were just a sewer rat, desperately hateful and teeth bared in resentment. He didn't know why and didn't care to. You were the type of person he hated.

"Ice, my dear," your tone was cold and sharp, like icy knives aimed right at his naked heart. "- have I ever told you how I came to be in our precious Lord Dio's care?" The light haired man huffed, lips pursed. He didn't care, he didn't he didn't, truly he didn't. His heartbeat raced, betraying his calm visage as you came chest to chest with him. He maintained eye contact as best he could, but even a blind man would notice the nervous twitching of his jaw. Your face was close, nose to nose, invading all of his senses and he was sure if he exhaled too heavily, the air would condensate on your perfectly cold face, like the beautiful and vengeful spirit of a jilted lover back from the dead.

"He chose me. And I didn't have to beg." Your voice dropped to a whisper, seething with a snake tongue curling from between your sharp teeth, enticingly dangerous - dangerously enticing. "I was his first. I am his most coveted. Take this as you will, but you are little more than a pawn on his chessboard. Never forget that." When you pulled away, his breath went with you. He felt weak and mortal, but nonexistent at the same time. The power you wielded physically was no match for Dio's, but Dio was no succubus incubus like you were. You could have anyone you wanted under your foot, heel pressing into their throat painfully, and they'd still cry for more. Vanilla Ice vaguely felt it a shame that your eyes were glued to Dio only.

Your smile was present, still kind and modest, so affectionate and sweet. Smiling crescent eyes swiped him up and down, scornful behind the thick fluttering lashes. You said no more, merely turned and walked out, and Vanilla Ice was left, standing as if he was cursed by Medusa, cold sweat on his back.

"Lord Dio, may I enter?" A deep hum, contemplative but not lazy, bade you entrance. His room was dark and lavished in deep maroons and reds, an occasional gold accent strewn across a quilt or curtain. He didn't bother to look at you, boredly swishing some wine in a glass before taking a short sip. Setting the glass aside with a clink, he sighed. Not necessarily wistfully, but not as if he was relieved either. More annoyed if anything. You pretended not to catch it.

"What is it, mutt. I don't remember sending you to perform reconnaissance of any sort. Why bother me." You smiled, bowing your head. Once, you loathed being deemed mutt. It made your lips curl back and your hackles raise. But now you couldn't be more proud to wear this chain, this collar. You were his. Only his, and his only.

"I simply seek your company." Your tone was matter of fact, but Dio knew what you wanted. He sighed again, eyes slipping closed. He turned to face you, eyes trained on your gentle disposition. He hummed again, flatly, disinterested, but nonetheless walked over to his bed and sat at the edge, legs spread. Hands rested on his large thighs, your heart jumped and you tried your best to conceal your excitement as you walked over and took your place, kneeling between his legs. Your cheek rested against his cold, thick thigh, looking up at him with doe eyes that showered love and need for praise. You were a good mutt, a very very good doggy. You made yourself scarce when Dio hadn't wanted your company earlier today. Surely that deserved praise.

The blonde man stared down at you, eyes unfeeling and blank, lips set in a cold hard line. With hands stained bloody and claws honed for predation, he cupped your face, holding you still. You were lost in pools of abyssal blood red, breath stagnant in your chest. You wondered if he felt the same. Rough thumb pads caressed the soft skin of your under eyes, idly feeling how soft and pliant you were for him to mold. He knew this. He'd trained you this way. At the base of the bridge of your nose, he stopped. He stopped and contemplated and you were still a willful wanderer. His nails dug into the skin, ignoring the scrape of keratin against bone. Delicately, slowly, mind numbingly painful, he started to peel back the flesh, leaving nothing but bloody bone and bits of tendon. Your eyesight went black from sheer pain, but you didn't say a word, merely kept smiling.

"My lord," you simpered, trying to disguise the wince of speaking. "Have I wronged you?" Dio didn't say anything, continuing to peel your lower face free of flesh and muscle, scraping off every single strand of sinew left behind until it was all just skull and cartilage.

"No," he responded, simple and straight. You continued to look at him, eyes burning with unshed tears. Holding the remnant on your lower face up to where he could see it clearly, he studied it, turned it over, looked at it like a regular piece of parchment with nonsense scribbled all over it. And then he tossed it away, in some corner of his room. "You bore me. Get out." And so you stood, eyes downcast, eyes still smiling as best they could, bowed your head, and left.

Your fingers grazed on the white smoothness of your bare cheekbone, barely flinching at how surreal it was. But this was a gift your lord gave to you. Because you were his. And he would never be yours.


Sorry if this isn't what you had in mind, but I started and I couldn't get this out of my head lol

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