got ur number || general

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request by DEATHBLOOMS_

source: mr. villain's day off

chubby/fat mc
He was the general of an evil organization dead set on eradicating humanity, and he was a hobby store clerk. Can I make it anymore obvious?

(Y/n) yawned briefly, eyes tired as he scanned over the items he was shelving. He shouldn't have agreed to accept his coworker's night shift, but he needed all the money he could get to save up for his trip to Roppongi to visit the cafe his favorite mobage was collabing with. It was imperative he go, just this once - he didn't let himself have nice things often and this was the one thing he should be able to afford and give himself, one thing he absolutely couldn't pass up.

The bell above the door jingled lightly, (Y/n) turning and greeting the customer with a sleepy 'welcooome~". The General stalked into the store at his leisure, covered eyes taking in all the cute paraphernalia lining the shelves. It had been the adorable storefront that had drawn him in (the bear decals on the door got him hook, line and sinker). The General strided into the store, easily surveying the layout of the small business. Cute things galore; he patted himself on the back. After a long day of plotting the end of the homanity as a whole, he appreciated the soft fluffy roundness of panda bear teddies and cute chibi figurines lining the short shelves. 

The General started to move further into the store, particularly enchanted with the fuzzy animal shaped backpacks, before he accidentally walked into (basically onto considering how inhumanly tall he was) something. He peered down through his shaggy black bangs, expression unimpressed with the gall to interrupt his much cherished 'cute shopping'. However, that expression soon melted into one of blank stoicism as he saw the cute roundness of the worker's face. (Y/n) blinked blearily, before sleepily doing the store salute and greeting.

"Good eveniiing ~ Welcome to our store ~ Is there anything I can help you look for?" The General froze, eyes glued to the squishy meatbun cheeks of the worker below him. With the dark circles under his eyes, to The General (Y/n) looked ... kind of like a panda. Heat dusted the cut of The General's cheekbones. The General shook his head, stating that he was just browsing, and (Y/n) did no more than nod. He wasn't going to question some guy so formidable, especially this late at night. With that interaction out of the way, (Y/n) continued doing his job, fixing up the shop before closing and taking stock of everything for the night. 

Although The General made a subtle show (at least he thought so) of taking a good look over the wares, he couldn't stop glancing over to the clerk, face a delicate pink under his long bangs. As (Y/n) moved through the store, The General inconspicuously followed him throughout the small shop, always making sure to seem engrossed in a product when the cute pa - clerk turned to look over his shoulder at the only customer. 

When (Y/n) finally made his way back over to the counter and slid behind it, he found that the egregiously tall customer was once again right behind him - or, in front of him now. The only thing he held in his hands were a cute panda shaped notepad and a panda bobblehead pen. Giving a genial smile as the tall man slid the two items forward, (Y/n) rung him up, trying as cheerfully as possible to tell him his total. Once he'd slid the bills over, The General instantly snatched up the notepad and pen and flipped to the first page, quickly scribbling something onto the paper, checking his phone occasionally as he did so. The urgency he did so with confused (Y/n) slightly and even made him a bit concerned, but when (Y/n) slid the change across the counter, the tall man simply handed him the slip of paper he'd torn from the notepad in exchange for the bills, shoving the pen and notepad into his pocket. 

As (Y/n) took it, the man speedwalked out of the store, hands shoved in his coat pockets. Stunned, (Y/n) watched as the door slid closed with a tinny jingle of the bell, muttering a half spoken 'good night'. Blinking tiredly, the (h/c) looked at the paper in his hands, brows furrowed. It took him a few seconds but when he realized, his whole face turned bright red. 

On it was a phone number, and a small doodle of him with panda ears. 

smth shmol for my homie bromie love u homebro

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