rose red

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Male!Snow White/Reader


Requested by @BraidenLGBTQ

Source: Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

Artist: Garbage on ZeroChan


The thought of mystery enticed you. It wasn't everyday that somebody went missing, especially not somebody like the prince. You shuddered to think at the morbidity of what perspired him when the hunter sent to carve his heart out came back. You were but a scullery boy and had never truly had the experience of meeting the prince formally, though you did sometimes catch glimpses of him in the gardens while you worked. One time you even made eye contact and he smiled at you - smiled! It was enough to keep your cheeks warm for the whole day. Really, it hurt your heart to hear of that poor prince. He was always so sweet.

"(Y/n)! Hurry with the wash bucket! You're not the only one who has laundry to do!" You jumped at the shout and nodded, yelling back a quick sorry, before speeding up with scrubbing the woolen clothes.

Night fell and you laid in the servants' barracks, staring at the ceiling from your cot. You weren't high enough in status to garner bed privileges, so the floor was what you got. Thankfully, the stone prevented it being warm enough for insects to nest, especially with winter coming. You exhaled through your mouth, watching your breath condense whitely in the cold air. You did this several times to occupy your mind and calm it so you could sleep, until you heard tapping from the door sill. Cracking an eye open, you saw shepherd boy around the same age as you, motioning for you to come over to the ajar door. Sleepily pulling on woolen socks and grabbing your boots just in case, you crawled out of your cot and squatted to converse with the boy. You knew him, Adam, and he would've been attractive to all the maidens (and yourself) had he not suffered an accident with a bull when he was younger and retrieved a crooked and undershot jaw as a reward. His face lightened you at the sight of you, though, and it reminded you of a puppy.

"What's the matter? It must be nigh dawn now." Adam nodded, his straw colored hair falling in his wide, green eyes.

"I know, I know, but please (Y/n), you have to help me. I couldn't sleep so I went to go check on the lambs born late and several were missing. There must've been a hole in the fence or something, but if the queen notices any missing, she'll have my head! You saw what she did to her son, just for being how he should've!" You sighed and slipped on your boots, tucking the laces inside.

"Fine, but you have to help me with dishes for the next month." Adam grinned his crooked grin as he led you by the wrist.

"Ain't a punishment to me. I'll do it gladly." He probably hadn't meant it to, but it made your cheeks heat up.

The cold air made you more alert, the crunching of frosted grass beneath both of your feet breaking the eerie silence of the castle grounds. The guards mostly stood at the front of the castle, rarely venturing to the servant quarters unless to roll with a maid. This made it easy for you and Adam to make your way to the barn. It was true that there was a hole in the fence, one that looked to be intentionally kicked in and just large enough for a curious lamb. The ewes were restless but quiet, simply pacing in their coops.

"Oh goodness, (Y/n)-" Adam turned to you, but you squeezed his hands and offered him a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, we'll find them. They couldn't have gone far." Adam nodded, confidence returning back to his features. With that, the two of you hopped over the stone fence and followed through the line of trees to get to the pasture.

You hadn't thought it was a good idea to split up, but Adam had insisted it'd be quicker. Besides, you two wouldn't stray far from each other, right? What posh. He'd put too much faith in your sense of direction. You'd found yourself in the woods, you don't even know how deep, and flinching at every crackling twig. The leaves had fallen, leaving the trees grabbing towards the sky with skeletal branches. It might've been your overactive imagination, but you felt like they were reaching down to grab at you. You wrapped your arms around yourself, partly because of chill and partly to give yourself a sense of security.

Male Reader insertsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat