your man

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todoroki raizou/reader

{fluff, a bit of angst but its ok}

source: daiya no ace, ace of diamond
Raizou wasn't a man who let the negative aspects of his life effect his work. As much as he completely adored Raichi, his training him to be a baseball fanatic was an investment in the long run. He couldn't do much at his old age besides coach, especially after he'd lost his job and wife, so Raichi was his only hope to pay off debt. It really weighed on his mind sometimes though. He wanted the absolute best for Raichi, especially in baseball. And even though he didn't want to, he couldn't stand thinking about what would happen to him and his son if Raichi never went pro. Really, everything was dependent on Raichi.

Raizou kneaded a knuckle at the furrowed space between his brows, trying futilely to smooth it out. He was getting old but he didn't want (any more) wrinkles or worry lines just yet. He continued on his way to the grocery store, planning with what little money he had to buy dinner for him and his son. They couldn't afford much, so a hotpot would probably have to do. The sun had started setting and it made the sky a cute pink, reminding Raizou of someone he hadn't thought of in ages: (L/n) (Y/n). When Raizou was a third year in high school and ace of the team, (Y/n) was in his last year of junior high, and had flocked to Raizou as a source of admiration. It felt nice to have such a loyal fan, Raizou would admit, and a cute one to boot. Sadly as Raizou went pro, he lost contact with the younger student ( he'd lost the slip of paper (Y/n) had written his number on somewhere in the locker room) and probably wouldn't be able to pick him out of a lineup of other guys nowadays. The memories of (Y/n) cheering for him from the stands made him warm with nostalgia. The school days puppy crush was always the best love, and the one that was usually the shortest. He idly scratched his chin, noting the stubble as he entered the store and made a beeline for the leeks. Raichi was a growing boy who needed his vegetables.

There was only one other person in the store, and they were looking over spices on the opposite end. Raizou paid them little attention, passing them on his way to see if there were any cuts of meat on sale. They glanced at him for a split second before going back to perusing the spices. It wasn't for long, but those long lashed eyes reminded him of somebody. He couldn't quite name who, just that they looked familiar, but it could've just been a sense of deja vu. Raizou shrugged to himself. He'd probably remember while cooking. Speaking of, he had to hurry. Raichi would be dying of hunger by now. Gathering what he needed and finding a great sale on pork, he headed for the checkout. He had hoped for a smooth transaction, but at the end of the day, he was several hundred yen short. Fuck, he wasn't good at budgeting. His cheeks heated up with shame and he slumped his shoulders with a sigh, trying to figure out what he could put back without the hotpot just being broth and plain noodles with a leaf or two. As he was thinking, he failed to notice a couple bills set on the counter and slid to the cashier.

"I'll pay for his groceries and mine, if you would." The cashier looked at the man beside Raizou and shrugged, taking the money and handing Raizou his groceries. The brunette man made a confused sound, and looked over to the man whose eyes looked familiar, a soft smile that made Raizou's brain scream "I KNOW YOU" without actually knowing who the hell this guy was. Maybe he wanted to rob the former pro player, but it wasn't like there was much to steal. He was just about dirt poor. The two men left the store, deja vu guy following Raizou and trying to match his steps with Raizou's. It wasn't something that was a big deal, but it kinda pissed Raizou off that the guy was a bit taller and so fresh faced. What Raizou wouldn't do to have such smooth and soft looking skin. Oh, to be in his prime. Plus, the guy's overcoat seemed pretty pricey. Man, Raizou could feel himself bristling slightly with jealousy. But might as well thank the guy for paying for his stuff.

"So, to who do I owe this great debt? As thanks for paying for my shit," he gruffly said, scratching at the stubble on his chin again. The young man's face fell slightly, his smile not as vibrant.

Male Reader insertsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें