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Lucas closed the door after Sebastian stepped in, and I pressed my lips together to keep myself from lashing out.

"Tragic, right?" Lucas chuckled. "I think we just broke her fragile little heart. Poor girl."

I didn't look away from Sebastian, ignoring the stinging in my eyes. He held my gaze as he propped himself back against the door and I didn't recognize the person watching me.

His dark eyes were cold, closed off. He'd never looked at me that way before. The way he was looking at me hurt. It was a physical sensation that left a painful feeling squeezing at my chest, my throat. I was choking on it.

"Izzy," Sebastian nodded in greeting and his lips twitched into a small smirk.

My jaw trembled from the effort it was taking to not burst into tears. I swallowed and forced myself to take deep breaths. That was what they wanted.

"You're probably confused." My eyes shot towards Lucas who was playing with a lighter carelessly. "I'll explain. Sebastian here has been working for me ever since your sister died."

My head whipped towards Sebastian, who still had his eyes on me. He winked and I bit my tongue so hard, it felt like I'd drawn blood.

"He only got close to you again this year because I ordered him to," Lucas explained and my lips started trembling. Every word he said was another blow to the chest. Another dagger.

I tried my best to block out the memories. All the lines he'd fed me that I'd fallen for. I'd stayed up for nights thinking of everything Sebastian had told me these past few weeks. I'd find myself smiling at random times throughout the days because of him. He'd been the one person who kept me anchored when it felt like I had no one else.

I looked away from him and hoped they couldn't see my eyes getting glassy. I didn't want him to see what he'd done. He didn't need to see the effect he had on me.

"Why would you..." I paused, remembering what Lucas had said about Amina. "You killed Amina's parents?" I choked out in shock.

Lucas answered for me. "Yes, he did."

My blood ran cold. "You work for Elijah, too?"

Sebastian shrugged casually. "In a way, yes. I really work for both of them." I was speechless, so Lucas continued explaining.

"Think of it like a pyramid," Lucas started. "I'm all the way at the top, and then right after me, it's Elijah. Under him are all his partners. Although, I admit, your brother's getting a little too close to taking my position from me for my liking. But that's why you and I will be working together, isn't it?" Lucas winked at me and I pursued my lips in anger. I had to play along. "And since Sebastian works for me, Elijah can give him orders too."

My nails dug into the skin of my palms where they were chained behind my back. I felt them rip through the skin, and I didn't care that I'd drawn blood.

"You never answered my question," I gritted out, holding Lucas's gaze. "Did you kill my sister?"

He sighed and leaned back in the seat. "No, I didn't."

"I don't believe you," I hissed.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "If you can't tell already, I have no problem with telling you the truth, kid. So, why would I lie?" I flinched as he suddenly shifted forward so he could be closer to me. He smiled. "But I know who did. I don't know why they did it, but I'll give you a hint as to who it was. You want the hint? Or maybe a few?"

He continued without waiting for my response.

"First, let me ask you something. Have you ever wondered why every awful thing that's ever happened to you has always been while you're with one specific person? And I'm not even talking about all the incidents I'm responsible for. I'm talking about your entire life."

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