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"Happy birthday, sweetheart," Elijah's arms wrapped around me from behind and I jumped in my seat.

I grabbed his wrists and leaned my head back in his embrace, squeezing them once in response. "Thanks."

He pressed a lingering kiss to the top of my head, and ran a hand through my hair before he walked around the island to stand across from me. "You want your gift now or later?" He asked, leaning back against the counter.

I forced myself to act like I normally would, but my stomach was hurting from the anxiety that had been eating away at me since the last two days. Today, it made me feel physically sick and I'd barely slept last night. I'd tossed and turned all night, dread eating away at every part of me.

It was Friday morning. I was leaving tonight.

"Now," I replied, my voice hoarse.

Elijah held my gaze for a few moments and my smile almost dropped at the unreadable look on his face, but he spun around to walk over to one of the drawers. I watched as he grabbed a small, white box and threw it at me. I barely caught it in time.

"What's this?" I asked quietly, studying it. I shook it a little, but all I heard was a small jingle.

"See for yourself."

I sent him a wary look, but I slowly began to open the box. It only took seconds, and I quickly removed the paper over it.

My jaw dropped at the set of car keys.

"No. It can't be," I breathed, genuinely surprised this time.

Elijah's eyes glinted with amusement. "It is."

I only stared at him in complete shock for a few moments, before I launched out of my chair. It almost tumbled to the ground behind me, but I didn't look back as I flew out of the kitchen and to the front door, whipping it open.

The white car was parked on the driveway and it looked brand new.

I froze at the front step, my heart lurching as I took it in, not believing my eyes. I felt Elijah's presence behind me as he placed both hands on my shoulders.

"It's yours," he told me, squeezing once and in a daze, I turned around in his arms.


He raised his eyebrows. "You don't want it?"

"I-I..." I trailed off, my head spinning, the keys hanging limply in my hand as I redirected my attention back to the car.

Of course I was happy. Of course this was the best gift I could've ever received, but underneath those emotions, I felt guilty because I was leaving. I felt scared and unsure of everything.

Things were somewhat good at the moment, and I'd ruin everything the moment I left. The moment I found out the truth. Everything would go to hell.

I was conflicted.

Elijah was still waiting for a response when we heard a car approaching, and we both looked over to see it pull into the driveway, coming to a stop behind Elijah's car.

Roman stepped out from the driver's seat and Kaiden limped out from the passenger side. Once again, my jaw dropped in shock at seeing my brother.

Of course it would have to be today that he'd come home. Of course this would be my luck.

It was like the universe hated me.

Roman trailed slowly behind Kaiden as he used his crutches, which I wasn't aware that he'd need, to reach the front porch steps.

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