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The rings on his hands had always been one of my favorite parts of him.

Silver on his index and ring finger. Both hands, two rings, exact same spot. All belonging to the same boy who I couldn't get my mind off, even years later. Even if he didn't know it. Even if I wished I didn't.

Leaning against my locker, I watched as he slammed his locker shut. He ran a rough hand through his pale blonde hair. It was almost a silver color, but it was really just an ash blonde. He slung his backpack higher over his shoulder as he used his free hand to slip his phone out of his pocket, all while spinning his car keys around in his other hand.

I didn't realize I had become fixated on studying him, until my phone buzzed in my hand. I glanced down at the screen and sighed. After a quick glance back up at where Sebastian was standing, I faced my locker and read the text. 

I'm outside - Elijah.

I didn't bother answering my oldest brother's message as I quickly grabbed my bag from the floor, along with a textbook that didn't fit inside the bag with my other hand.

Class had finished twenty minutes ago, but I had to stay back to talk to a teacher about making up an exam. The hallways were empty now, except for the occasional student or teacher walking by. A few athletes appeared sometimes in the hallways, but they were usually in practice by now or headed to a game.

Shutting my locker, I turned and was about to make my way towards the main exit of the school to the parking lot, where my brother waited, but I didn't see him coming.

All I saw was a flash of the same silver blonde hair and dark, coffee-colored eyes before we slammed into each other. The force of the collision caused my textbook to slip out of my hands, and I could do nothing but watch as it fell.

Right onto his foot.

"Fuck," Sebastian grunted in pain, his jaw tightening as he faltered a little from the pain. I flinched in shock of him being so close to me, before I realized what I'd just done.

"Oh, shit," I gasped and quickly scrambled to grab my textbook. "I'm so sorry," I rushed out, entirely blanking out as to what I should do as he exhaled once heavily, his eyes on his foot before he glanced up. His dark gaze was unreadable as his gaze flickered over my face.

When he didn't speak, I rushed to speak. "I swear, Seb, I didn't see you coming. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

We both froze as the familiar name spilled out of my lips without a second thought. My face heated up and I quickly averted my eyes, focusing on his foot.

He cleared his throat and briefly shook his head once. "Yeah, I'm good."

I nodded and sucked in a shallow breath, tightening my grip on the book I had clutched in my arm. "I'm really sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," I spoke once more because he didn't look like he was going anywhere, and the silence was shifting into something more awkward.

I didn't know if my mind was playing tricks on me, but his lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile. He shook his head again, running a hand through his hair, a spark of amusement present in his eyes. "It's fine, Isabella, don't worry about it."

I nodded, and bit my lip in thought as we stared at each other for a few more moments before I looked away. "Um, okay, then. I should go now. My brother's waiting," I murmured. He didn't react as he continued to watch me, his eyes running over my features as if he was trying to engrave them into his mind.

I was reminded of all the times we'd spent together, the look in his eyes as he watched me. I ignored the feelings that threatened to stir up; all the things I wanted to suppress. Then, before my mind could wander to everything else, I cleared my throat and shot him a small smile, before I brushed past him to walk away.

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