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Third Person POV

Shards of glass rained down around the room as Elijah picked up the glass of whiskey and smashed it against the wall. It shattered on impact.

Olivia flinched and considered reaching out for Elijah from where she stood behind him, but as soon as she took a step forward, he tensed.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't find her?" Elijah growled, pinning Roman in place with a heated glare. The rage simmered off of him in waves, but no one moved forward to try and help put out the fire.

One of his men had tried that and now he was dead.

Roman bristled at the tone that no one but Elijah ever used with him. His jaw tightened with barely restrained anger as he said, "She's left no traces behind. The only thing we're sure of is that she left through her window. The cameras didn't pick up on anything."

Elijah chuckled darkly and the sound sent shivers down Olivia's spine. For one of the first times in her life, she didn't know what to do to help. She'd seen Elijah out of control in the past, but this was more than that.

She'd never seen him so angry. The rage was almost suffocating as the three of them stood in his study, and she felt like if one of them even breathed wrong, he'd lash out.

It was terrifying and Olivia felt genuine fear. Not for herself, but for Izzy.

She didn't know what would happen when he found her. And he would, she didn't doubt it one bit. But when he did...

All the apologies would become meaningless.

All the effort he'd been trying to put into trying to fix his relationship with his little sister would go down the drain. She didn't know what Elijah would do, but all she could hope was that Izzy bought herself enough time to find out everything she needed to.

Olivia had an idea of where she'd gone. Elijah was too filled with rage to think clearly, so he hadn't even considered it.

She wasn't going to tell him either because Izzy deserved to know, so she'd stay quiet and let the girl find out the truth.

This would be her only chance.

After they found her, this home would become a prison. He'd given her too much freedom, and she'd taken advantage of it. Olivia knew he was thinking it from the moment he stormed into her room and destroyed it, trying to look for any traces left behind.

Elijah wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"She's fucking seventeen. You're telling me that you're so goddamn useless, you can't find a teenage girl on the run?" Elijah gritted out, and Roman's jaw clenched. "What are you getting paid for?"

If it had been anyone else talking to him like that, Roman would've killed them on the spot. If anyone else had disrespected him the way Elijah was, they'd be gone in the blink of an eye.

But Elijah was his boss, and he couldn't do anything to him yet.

He had too much power, too much money, too many eyes, and too much control in the city; Roman needed to buy himself time to take that away from him. He'd been planning it for a long time, but it was difficult.

The motherfucker was too smart for his liking.

"Did you track her phone?" Elijah asked.

Roman nodded sharply. "She left it behind."

Elijah briefly closed his eyes and ran a rough hand over his jaw. When he opened them again, his eyes were hard as he met Roman's gaze.

"Get out. Don't show your face around here until you find me something useful," Elijah said calmly.

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