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She was wearing a white bodycon dress with a black jacket draped over her shoulders. Her dark brown, almost black, hair fell in slight waves around her face. My attention momentarily dropped to the necklace sitting around her neck.

I looked away from it, and met her dark eyes before I remembered too much about who else used to wear the same one.

"Izzy," she acknowledged softly, a weak smile shaping her lips. I blinked a few times, wondering if she was actually here or if I was dreaming. "How are you?"

After my initial shock vanished, I managed to get a grip of myself, shaking my head. "I—I'm okay," I whispered. "What are you—are you moved back home? What are you doing here?"

I watched her gaze drift to a group of people walking along the path opposite of us, on the other side of the road. Her fingers mindlessly drifted up to her necklace.

She looked back at me, the soft smile still on her face but there was something else I couldn't read. She looked troubled? Worried? Or maybe sort of afraid? Why?

"No, I— " loud laughter distracted us both for a moment and I swore I saw her jump slightly, but before I could ask if she was okay, she continued. "I'm visiting my parents for a few days," she clarified. "I'll be gone by Thursday."

I deflated. "Oh."

It was quiet for a few seconds before I asked. "What are you doing in this town?" I had so many questions. I wanted to know so much, but I settled with something simple.

She folded her arms across her body. "One of my old friends opened a small shop here. I just came to say hi," she told me and I nodded. "Anyways, enough about me. What are you up to? You're sixteen now, right?"

I suddenly realized that I had abandoned Mia without an explanation. Thankfully, I had my phone with me so I'd call her as soon as I could.

"I'm with my friend, Mia. No one else is home, so I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit," I said which was ironic because I'd usually kill at the chance to be home. But after what I'd found, I was better off not being there since I knew I'd get lost in my thoughts and end up wandering back to her room.

She nodded and her eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh, I remember her. The red-haired girl right? Olivia's little sister. I haven't seen her since..." she trailed off and suddenly we were both silent, already knowing what was coming next.

Before I could say anything to cut the tension, her eyes drifted to somewhere behind me. I watched as they widened a fraction. Confusion and worry settled through me as she stumbled back a step, her hands turning limp at her sides.

I realized she was watching something behind me intently. Glancing over my shoulder, I followed her gaze to see what she was so focused on.

But there was nothing there.

Just a few cars driving by and a few people on the other side of the street. It was nothing unusual as far as I could tell.

"Amina?" I turned back around. She had backed up several steps now. She had gone pale now, like she had seen a ghost. "What's wrong?"

I started to reach out for her, but she flinched, shaking her head as she backed up. "I- I have to go. I'm sorry, Isabella. I'll see you later."

Before I could react, she was spinning around on her heels, walking away as fast as she could. My attention stayed on her until she was completely out of my sight.

I was still standing at the exact same spot, dumbfounded, when a hand dropping on my shoulder made me jump.

"Dude!" Mia exclaimed, gripping my shoulders and turning me to face her. "Where the hell did you go?"

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