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The silent treatment continued for the rest of the day. I refused to give in.

I barely even looked at my brothers the rest of the day, let alone talked to them. Caleb tried everything. Kaiden occasionally tried, but I could tell that he didn't care as much as Caleb did anymore.

I was still reeling from his words and what I'd found. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what it could all mean. What anything meant anymore.

Before anyone became suspicious, I'd taken a picture of the package of syringes, before leaving them exactly how I'd found them. I wanted to bring them back to the room I was staying in and slip them in my bag, so I could take them with me, but I didn't.

I couldn't risk it. He noticed everything, and he'd notice them gone if they were really his for whatever reason.

Now, I was sitting in his living room watching a movie play on his TV alone. Caleb and Kaiden had gone out. They'd tried to persuade me into coming with, but when they finally accepted that I wasn't acknowledging anything they said, they left me alone in the apartment.

I didn't know where they'd gone, but I had a few guesses in mind.

Most of Elijah's clubs and businesses were in this city, and some of them weren't too far from here. Despite Caleb being underage, it was likely Kaiden let him go with.

I was lost in thought, when a sudden thought slipped into my mind, and I immediately knew it was a bad idea.

Terrible, actually, but I was drawn to it.

It had never even crossed my mind before for fear of what would happen if I ever got caught. It was also way too risky, knowing that Elijah was gone everyday and I would have never known which specific one he was working at for the night.

Knowing my luck, I'd definitely run into him any other day, but he was out of town on a business trip, and the opportunity was screaming at me to take it. I'd been so sheltered my entire life; constantly living underneath the shadows and rules of others that I barley had any chances to go out and take risks.

There was so much life here at night.

I didn't want to stay locked in the apartment all night.

I pushed the risks out of my head. I was going to do it, everyone's rules could go to hell.

I wondered how hard it could be to sneak into a nightclub.


I tugged the tight red dress down my body, shivering violently from the frigid cold that lashed out at my skin. I'd felt uncomfortable as soon as I had put the dress on, but I'd forced myself to go through with it anyways.

There was a small boutique not far from Kaiden's apartment, and I'd found it wandering aimlessly down the street. The dress had caught my eye immediately and although it was something I wouldn't normally wear, I forced myself to try it.

I'd ended up buying it, and as much as I felt out of my comfort zone, I had to admit that it was striking. It made me look older too, and more mature in a way. It made me look like I was in my twenties.

Eventually, I found myself standing in front of a towering building. It was one of the most well known in the city, and the lines outside seemed miles long. No one would notice the sixteen-year-old girl inside, and I knew it would be pretty dark inside anyways. I had looked this place up, and although there was a slight chance that Kaiden and Caleb were here, it couldn't be that likely.

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