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"I'll get her some water," I heard someone say softly and I stirred. Distant footsteps were audible and I realized there were hands shaking me awake.

"Izzy? It's me, Amina, can you hear me?"

I slowly peeled my eyes open and blinked as I took in the dark eyes watching me with concern. Lifting my head, I realized I was laying down on the ground.

"What happened?" I croaked and Amina helped me sit up.

"You fainted."

I pulled myself up to sit on the couch, and brushed my hair out of my face as I took in my surroundings. A few seconds later, Maya was walking back towards us with a glass of water in her hands.

She offered me a small smile as she handed it over to me. "Would you like anything to eat?"

I shook my head, and took the glass with shaking hands. "No, thank you. I'm okay."

Amina took a seat next to me and I felt her eyes on me. I took a few sips of the water and let it rest in my hand after. The silence that had been building up was broken by Maya's voice.

"I knew you were their sister the moment you stepped inside."

Our heads snapped back towards Maya who had taken a seat again.

She continued. "Do your brothers know you're here? Do they know what you two are doing?"

I swallowed hard and shook my head. Amina stayed quiet too. Maya raised her eyebrows.
"Well, then it's only a matter of time."

I frowned. "What's a matter of time?"

She opened her mouth to speak again but something caught our attention.

The sound of tires screeching to a stop outside the house.

My heart sunk and I whipped my eyes over to Amina who had gone absolutely still. She slowly looked over at me, her lips parted in shock.

I glanced back over at Maya who gave me a small smile. "I know I didn't get to answer all your questions, but I hope I helped with whatever you're doing. Unfortunately, I don't think we will be meeting again."

Before I could question her any further, the sound of multiple car doors slamming shut made me flinch and Amina shot up out of the seat.

"It's your brothers," Amina whispered and the blood drained from my face.

"How did they find us?" I asked, my heart racing.

"I don't know, I made sure to - "

She paused and glanced over at Maya, who had a blank expression on her face and Amina's eyes hardened.

"Maya, did you call someone?"

My head whipped over to her. Maya remained impassive. She was avoiding our eyes, as if she was guilty.

"I don't owe you two anything," she said flatly, and the truth that another person had betrayed me stung.

Another person had lied.

Amina glared at her. "Why would you do that? Do you realize what you've done?"

Maya sighed and met Amina's gaze. "Elijah and I made a deal a few years ago. If someone ever approached me asking for information, I didn't have to lie as long as I called him the moment they stepped inside my house. Obviously, I didn't lie to you, but I had to call him. I'm not risking my life for you two."

I could tell Amina was about to rip her a new one, but the doorbell rang and I heard someone knocking on the door before she could finish.

"Amina, you need to hide," I rushed out as the doorbell rang again. I could tell she was about to argue, but we heard more cars halting to a stop outside and Amina froze.

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