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the pair ended up playing games all night, since they didn't sleep.

by the time it hit 11am, jasper was declared the winner, "i swear you cheated! somehow!" y/n had a pout on her face as they made their way downstairs. jasper laughed loudly and rushed to open the door for the rest of the coven, jacob, leah and seth.

"i needed them to meet y/n, so they don't get her scent confused with other crossing vampires." jacob shrugged as they all walked in.

while jasper tended to the others, y/n slipped to carlisle and esme, "i wanted to thank you guys, personally for letting me to stay here for the time being." she reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace and a nice handwatch, "i managed to steal somethings from my house before riley forced me out of there. i want you to have these."

esme and carlisle wore their gifts happily both thanking y/n and esme giving her a brief hug, "you can stay with us for as long as you want." which y/n returned with a smile as they walked to the couch.

this time y/n sat beside leah and polietly introduced herself to leah who rolled her eyes.

"i'm leah clearwater. that's my brother seth. we're apart of jacob's pack." she informed y/n, "can i go now?" she stared angrily at jacob who nodded and within seconds she had gone.

y/n raised her eyebrows, kinda shocked when jacob spoke, "don't mind her. she'll come around."

y/n spent the next hour chatting with everyone and getting to know them personally. once she began speaking to bella, she unknowingly stopped edward from reading everyone's mind in the room.

"how are you doing that?" edward asked confused, "last night you were able to read my thoughts and now you're using bella's power to shield everyone in the room?"

jasper, who was now sitting close to y/n nodded, "yesterday you calmed down the mountain lion we were going to eat."

"and you said you saw us in your visions, like alice." edythe pointed out, and suddenly everyone had eyes on carlisle.

jasper had already filled in y/n on carlisles story, and his reign with the volutri so y/n too stared at the doctor.

carlisle rushed quickly and grabbed one of the books on the shelf. he flicked throught it quickly and handed it to y/n, "the power of replication." he said finally.

"you are a special kind y/n. you have the ability to replicate powers of people you have interacted with or have thought of you. it's incredible really, i never thought i'd encounter someone with such an incredible power."

"that's so lucky." renesmee had her mouth open in shock, leaning on jacob's shoulder, "so you can copy my power too?"

"try it on me." alice sat in front of y/n.

y/n was in disbelief with how much power she held. when renesmee placed her hand on y/n cheek she could see brief visions of how she was born and bella's pregnancy.

the half human half vampire stepped back and y/n placed her hand on alice's cheek and replicated the information renesmee gave her to the small girl.

"you're insane." alice stepped back, "oh my god you are so powerful."

y/n immediately got shy and looked down at the book carlisle gave her as everyone discussed how shocking this discovery ways.

"you okay?" jasper whispered to y/n. despite them only meeting last night, jasper felt a strong connection to y/n and wanted to be the one who helped her adjust to her new life.

she nodded and looked up at the boy, "perfect, thank you." she smiled before awkwardly turning back to the book.

she, too, felt a connection with jasper.

tied to you. jasper + y/n.Where stories live. Discover now