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jasper returned to y/n's room and sat down, grabbing the controller to her game, "what were you planning to do?"

"i wanted to make a scrapbook," y/n grabbed a large book and materials such as paper, gluesticks and the printer and putting it down on the desk beside her bed.

"i miss my family, and my friends, so i wanted to do something for it." she continued and sat beside jasper, watching him play.

"i put all my old photos in the laptop from my phone but i'm too scared to fully delete everything so i put it up in the shelf." she pointed to it and jasper paused his game to look at her.

he layed down, "i'm sorry you miss them." he pulled her down beside him and stared at her lovingly.

if y/n could blush, she would have.

she childishly grinned got up, sitting at her desk and beginning to print out pictures of her and her sisters. she had two, both younger than her.

y/n traced her finger over the pictures, smiling sadly before sticking them into her scrapbook. she only managed to get through a few pictures before feeling too sad to continue.

since she knew jasper could feel her emotions, she did not want to burden him therefore deciding to continue this when he wasn't around.

jasper smiled at her, attempting to cheer her up and create a happy atmosphere again. he gestured to the controller, "wanna play?"

"of course."

for the first twenty minutes they played in silence until y/n spoke, "if you could save something from your past life, what would you save?" she asked curiously.

"well i was a civil war solider. so i think i'd love to bring my horse with me, and if i were to get a medal i would take that too." he replied.

"that's so cool, honestly." she smiled, both at his story and the fact that she was beating him in their mario kart game.

jasper quickly glanced at her and smiled, not caring that he was losing but loving the fact that y/n is happy and comfortable.

as that is all he wants as of now.

"what about you?" he looked back at the screen and began to play, properly.

"i had a vinyl collection, with pretty records that i had been collecting. it was beautiful." she started, "i think i begun collecting when i was 11. my prized possession. i couldn't take it when they took me from my home, obviously so i wish i could return to my house and take it." she shrugged, "it's whatever though."

it wasn't.

jasper could feel this so he didn't push it. he wanted her to to work through this.

"i won! oh my god? i won!" y/n jumped up happily and danced around the room with jasper watching her fondly.

and for the first time in forever, jasper didn't feel lonely.

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