19: Finally she is Home

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It has been ten long hours since my angel was brought to the hospital. And it killed me to see her like that. Her soft, pale neck was covered with ugly hand marks, her eyes were swollen and bloodshot red from the strangulation and her face was so pale. She looked so fragile and weak lying there, and I couldn't do anything except hold her hand in mine.

"Lucca." I hear Ciro call my name from the end of the hallway. I glance to my right and lift my chin up in acknowledgement. 

"Hey." I reply weakly as I take few step towards him.

Francesco was right behind Ciro and he was holding Eleanore's hand in a very possessively grip. I bet he was never letting her out of his reach now, losing her once was more than enough for him we all have seen his crazy side, not again.

"How's buttercup doing?? Is she awake?? Any pain?? When can we take her home??" Ciro bombarded me with so many questions all at once without taking a single break or giving me a chance to reply.

"She is doing much better now. Ms.Isa just came by to visit her. So I gave both of them some space to talk." I replied calmly and glanced at Francesco.

"Is Ms.Isa matter taken care?" Ms. Isa , Eleanore and my angels mother had no place to stay or no family to go back to. And according to Eleanore they didn't have anything on them, no money, or debit card, no id or passport and no even a cell phone. They weren't allowed to go out meet new people or make friends. They were always under Corbinano's watch 24/7. He kept them as prisoners and treated them both like trash.

So when we rescued them both from Corbinano's house last night I asked Francesco to take them to my home until my angel wakes up and to make them feel welcomed. And today morning Ms.Isa asked Francesco that she couldn't sleep the entire night thinking about Bella and how she was. So when I informed Francesco that my angel was awake. He suggested to let Ms.Isa visit her , so they could both have spend some time together and my angel might need her mother next to her after what she has been through.

"Yes, I have arranged Ms.Isa living arrangement and Eleanore will be staying with me." Francesco informs me as he wraps his thick muscular arm around Eleanore's tiny waist. She seemed shocked at first and then she tired to move away from him, but he didn't.

"Is buttercup going to stay with us too?" Ciro asked with gleam of excitement in his eyes and hope in his tone.

"No, she is going to stay with me. Not you or us. Me." I explained in an irritated tone. She was mine not anyone else and when have Ciro and my angel became close.

I know Ciro always made my angel feel welcomed and always supported our relationship from the start. But they both bickered 24/7 and then some more. they are like siblings who like the same thing and want it at the same time. 

"It's all the same Lucca. Don't focus on the words, concentrate on the meaning." Ciro says with a playful smile on his face as he pats on my shoulder. I roll my eyes and decide to ignore him. 

"Can I go in?" Eleanore asks me form next to Francesco, causing my attention to divert from Ciro to her. She had my angel's eye, those eye brown eyes but her were cold and empty. Not like my angel warm and filled with so much love and hope. Her face looked bare, pale and devoted of any expression. There was light yellow bruise mark on her right forehead, which she didn't even tired to cover with her long hair. Her hair's were tied up in a ponytail and they looked lifeless. 

Eleanore quivered under my gaze and I wondered what Corbiniano had done to her. Not that I had meet Eleanore before . But she wasn't the girl from the photo he showed my angel at the cafe. In the family photo she had fancy clothes on and makeup to make her look pretty. But the girl standing next to my brother Francesco, seemed to be fighting a battle with herself. 

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