12: I just couldn't

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Mr. Hulk parked his black Maserati outside my apartment building. He shifted slightly in his seat, so he was looking at me. I didn't bother to look up at him because I wasn't sure what I would find there. Lucca said he was going to apologize to me and make peace with it. But I was still nervous, scared that any moment now. He will ask me to get the hell out of Lucca's life and to never comeback. After all Lucca was the underboss, and I was just an orphan with paramedic degree.

When I first meet Lucca, behind the dumpster, I knew he was into something bad. But I kept ignoring the warning that was going on in my head. Why do you ask?? Because I was mesmerized by him, by his touch, by his look and it was Lucca. My Lucca. And when I entered his huge mansion, I realised he was not only trouble but he was trouble with a capital T.

But I didn't care, I just didn't. I wanted to be with Lucca - even if it meant in hell. I needed him. Slowly but surely he was taking my heart away from me and in return he was giving me his.

"Miss.Gabrielle" Hulk's words pull me back to the present. And I bit my tongue from saying 'call me Bella' and let him continue.

"I would like to apologise for what I did back there. I had no right going behind your back and digging into your past. I was wrong and I would really appreciate if you could forgive me and accept my apology."he said as he pushed open the glove compartment and pulled out a paper bag. He then offered it to me.

I looked at it and then back at Hulk. "Francesco, I forgave you the moment Lucca told me he is the underboss of Massimo family. I realised you were just doing your job, and I am happy you take Lucca's protection very serious."I say as I gently push back the bag. And it was true. I was worried about Lucca's life and after seeing the height Hulk went to make sure I was clean and no harm to Lucca. I realised he was loyal to Lucca and I forgave him.

"And you don't have to give me anything to forgive you. I understand what you did was all for Lucca's security and I really appreciate it." I explain it to Hulk softly. I was not scared of him, but I was definitely not comfortable either. He was a bull ready to attack and I was just.... just...Bella. The girl who was falling for his brother, his boss.

"Miss.Gabrielle please I would really appreciate if you take this small gift." He says as he gently places the bag on my lap and I just look at "Or else I would think you are still angry with me and you haven't forgiven me," He adds.

I wanted to laugh because he sounded uncomfortable and embarrassed. It was like he has never asked someone for forgiveness and has no idea how to do it. I inhaled deeply and decided to get him out of his misery. "Francesco you really don't have to give me anything"

But before I could continue he chimes in "But I really want to. I want to show you I really mean this and would really love if you take it please. And plus its just a digital watch that would help you at work and make your life easy."I smile at his excuse. He really sucked at this. It was like he had no idea how this worked and was bribing me with watch.

"Okay, I will only accept this if you would promise me one thing." I said this as I looked up at him with hopeful eyes. If I was giving him something he should at least do me a small favour in return. But when he continues to keep quiet and stare at me. I realise he must think I am going to ask something big, so I rush to explain.

"It's more like a request actually." I smile up at him but he still stayed like a stone. I look down at the bag in my hand and then back at him and decide to just say it. "It's actually about Lucca. I want you to increase his security because after what happened yesterday I am worried that the bad guys might try to attack him again. And I am worried he might get hurt."I finish as I try not to quiver under his gaze. He was looking at me with confused eye. It was as if he was thinking something and wasn't sure about it. He kept looking at me and I quiver a bit more in the seat.

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