Chapter 12 Hamburgers in the forest

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I am now a good distance away from Fred, Velma and Daphne having stormed off a good distance, I didn't watch where I was going too distracted by my thoughts on the mystery inc situation thankfully I didn't accidentally bump into anyone. I probably should call Ace or Vinnie they did say to call if anything happened and I am pretty sure I will need some help with the situation I walk far enough away from people and I stop and lean against a wall of a building, I pull out my phone and I scroll through my contacts I won't call Vinnie as he does have something to do today so Ace it is I press Ace's mobile number my phone starts to ring and I hold it to my ear.

"Hello" Ace greets

"Hey Ace, It's Saffir. I'm on spooky island and I need your help" I voice

"Of course, I will help you, what's going on?" Ace inquires

"Well -" I start and cut myself off immediately as I look around I feel like I'm being watched

"Is there a forest on Spooky Island?" Ace asks I look around Spooky Island and I can see a forest on the island

"Yes there is a forest on the island" I answer

"Go deep into the forest and bring your aura out after you are certain that you are deep enough in that no one will see your aura. I will come to you and you can tell me in person as there will be no chance of being overheard there" Ace Instructs

"OK I am making my way there now, See you soon," I say Ace returned the greeting and we ended the call.  I put my phone in my bag.

I made my way deep into the forest after ensuring that no one is going to see me or my aura. I bring out my aura as Ace and Vinnie instructed and I wait for Ace to arrive. I am leaning against a tree when I see Ace's aura he lands in front of me.

"What's going on?" Ace asks so I explain everything that has happened so far from a man who wouldn't take no for an answer to when I called Ace on the phone. The Stress and sadness of the whole situation must have shown on my face because Ace pulls me into a hug to comfort me.

"I don't have anything to do right now so I will help you solve this mystery" Ace exclaims

"Thanks, Ace" I voice and I start looking around I'm getting that feeling again

"What's wrong?" Ace asks on seeing me looking around

"Since I arrived on this island on and off I feel like I am being watched and this whole island as a whole feels off" I voice

"Now that you mention it, I'm getting that same feeling, stay close we are stronger together," Ace says

"Will do" I agree and we start walking through the forest staying close to Ace. As we are walking through the forest we bump into Scooby doo

"Hey Scooby, what are you doing in the forest?" I ask

"Rooking Ror Rhamburgers" Scooby answered

"You are not going to find hamburgers in a forest Scooby," I say

We carried on walking through the forest only with Scooby walking beside us, comfortable silence surrounds us as we walk when Ace sees a sign saying hamburgers pointing to a bag beneath it. "There are the hamburgers but it looks suspicious" Ace comments Scooby ignoring us made his way to the bag.

When Scooby put his head in the bag a monster appeared and started to sneak to Scooby. Ace and I look at each other and nod and we reposition ourselves so we can fight the monster without accidentally hitting each other or Scooby. We are about to use our abilities on the monster when the bag on Scooby's head is lifted off, Scooby saw the monster and started running away.

"Not so fast! You will have to get past us if you want to get Scooby Doo" Ace exclaims when we have blocked the Monster's path to Scooby. Ace and I started using our powers on the monster. "Saffir can you distract the monster while I reposition myself," Ace asks

"I can do that" I voice and I use my powers to get the monster's attention and I keep using them to distract the monster while Ace repositions himself. Ace soon rejoins the fight.

A howl came out of nowhere from behind the monster and it destroyed the monster and itself exploded after it was hit by the howl. We can see a man standing where the monster once was. "Hey Ace, I'm  Peter Criss what's your name?" he greets

"My name is Saffir Foxx, nice to meet you" I greet

"So the monster can be destroyed by any kind of light" Ace notes and proceeds to explain the situation to Peter.

"OK, how did you come to be on Spooky Island Saffir?" Peter asks

"I was invited to the island to solve the mystery with some friends of mine. I tried to refuse but the person who delivered the letter that was from the owner of Spooky Island to me refused to take no for an answer" I explain as we walk through the forest.

After walking through the forest for several minutes we found ourselves in a party area where there are several things from decorations to buffet tables and other items that appears you can buy. Several people are dancing to the music that is playing in this area.

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