Chapter 10 Two Years Later

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In the end, Shaggy and Scooby got in the mystery machine and chose to travel around America and I chose to stay at headquarters seeing as Fred, Velma and Daphne are not staying here. I chose to stay here at headquarters Besides headquarters is like a home to me I have just come into the living room after brushing my teeth after eating breakfast when I hear the phone start to ring. I go to the phone and I say "Hello, mystery inc headquarters how can I help you?"

"Hello am I speaking with someone from Mystery Inc?" a male voice asks

"Yes you are, I'm Saffir how can I help?" I confirm

"My name is Cale Knight, I own Sunrise Star Hotel and I have a mystery I need solving as soon as possible," He says I don't think anyone in mystery inc has told anyone about the split up and I'm not going to be first

"Some of the others in mystery inc are working on different cases, I will come to your hotel with the only free members, can you give me an address," I ask he proceeded to give me an address "I'll get there as soon as I can," I say and we exchange goodbyes and I hung up and I put the phone back. I put my shoes on and I walk out.

After walking down the street I see the mystery machine so I walk up and I open the door to the van to see if Shaggy and Scooby are in there and they are "Hey Shaggy, Scooby, are you two doing something?" I ask

"No, we don't have anything planned, like why do you ask?" Shaggy replies

"First of all before I explain has anyone in mystery inc told anyone about the split up that happened after the lunar ghost case?" I ask

"No they haven't told anyone, or people would have asked us questions by now and maybe no one has asked quite yet," Shaggy says

"OK the phone in headquarters rang asking to speak with someone from mystery inc, asking to for someone to solve a mystery, I said I would work on the case with the only free members and that some of the others are working on different cases. will you guys come and help me?" I explain

"You have solved mysteries without us since the split like why do you want us to help you with this case?" Shaggy asks

"Because the mystery is in a hotel and I have Claustrophobia" I answer

"We will help you, it's what friends are for right Scoob?" Shaggy says

"rat's right raggy" Scooby answers with that Shaggy, Scooby and I made our way to the hotel and we solved the mystery.

The day after the mystery was solved I went for a walk where I met two people called Ace and Vinnie who told me about their abilities, we met a few times after that and we became friends. I was relaxing on the couch in the living room of headquarters after doing some trial and error with my magic so I can get better control over my magic when the blue fairy appears in front of me.

"Hi blue fairy what brings you here?" I ask with respect

"Saffir did Maleficent teach you about your fairy magic?" Blue fairy responds

"She didn't bother teaching me anything about my fairy magic. what I know about fairy magic is through trial and error." I answer Blue fairy hung around at headquarters and taught me how to properly use my fairy magic. She left after having to stop on the first lesson when my fairy magic reacted to my distrust of her forcing her to.

It's the next month and I am currently spending time with Axl and his friends and working on becoming close with Axl and friends with his friends. One day I was at Disneyland hanging out with Axl and his friends when he introduces the band Motley Crue to me. When I learned of Mick's condition I asked him to explain it in more detail.

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