Chapter 5 Coronation

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"Feeling better now?" Eugene asks as i pull away

"A bit" I say but i'm still unable to shake off the bad memories

"Rapunzel and I talked with King Adam and Queen Belle and we managed to gain custody of you, We will keep you safe from her" Eugene says

"Thank you" i voice before Eugene can say anything Rachel came into the room "Hey Rachel, what's wrong?" I ask

"It is probably a good thing you stayed here Saffir, Audrey and Chad caused chaos at family day, they kept trying to make out that the kids from the isle are dangerous, I tried to stop them defending them from what Chad and Audrey were saying but nothing i said worked and it went to the point that Evie sprayed Chad with something which knocked him out, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal stormed off" Rachel informs i wince at that

"What exactly happened?" Eugene asks

"Everything started with Audrey tricking her grandmother into thinking Mal was Maleficent who was having a nice conversation with Mal before Audrey came along, everything went downhill from there, because of Audrey tricking her grandmother, her grandmother caused a scene which started chaos, Chad added to the chaos when he started verbally attacking Evie, i defended them i told everyone that was at the family day event that Chad has gotten about half of all the girls that go to the school to do his homework for him. Evie used a magic mirror to show who the biggest jerk in the land is and it showed Chad, he hit Evie in the hand, Mal and Carlos had to hold Jay back from rushing at Chad, Evie used some kind of perfume to knock Chad out. They all stormed off after that" Rachel explains

"Is that true, has Chad gotten half the school's population of girls to do his homework for him?" Eugene asks for clarification

"yes it's true I've seen him do it plenty of times, he has done it to Anxelin and he tried to do it to me but i refused" Rachel confirms Eugene looks angry about that before Eugene can say anything a knock on the door is heard Rachel goes to the door and opens it to reveal Evie who asks to come in, Rachel steps aside and Evie walks in and Rachel closes the door.

"Rachel told me what happened, E are you alright?" I ask concern lacing my voice

"I'm fine" Evie says quickly

"Evie you are one of my first friends, you don't need to lie to me" I voice before anyone say anything else

"I'm ok, it was just my hand Chad hit but what he said did" Evie says i pull Evie into a hug

"Chad isn't going to be getting away with this, neither is Audrey, I know Aurora and Philip were unable to attend today's family day event so i am going to talk with Chad and Audrey's parents about the behavior of their child" Eugene says and leaves the room after saying goodbye

"Rachel thanks for defending us, i'm here to get measurements from you both for the Coronation to make your dresses" Evie says

"It's no problem, You all are not what they were trying to make you all out to be" Rachel voices and Evie takes Rachel's measurements and writes them down. "I'm going to work on a school project with another student see you guys later" Rachel says and Evie and i say bye and then she leaves.

"did you not feel up to going to family day after what happened with our parents?" Evie asks sitting next to me

"I didn't feel up to going to family day after that video call, after hearing what happened at family day i think i will stay in this dorm room for a while till everyone calms down. I don't want to deal with someone having a go" I explain

"That's understandable considering what happened, now let's get your mesurements for the coronation" Evie exclaims and takes my measurements to make me something for Ben's Coronation.

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