Chapter 17 Friends Don't Quit

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We ended up falling asleep at the pier while waiting for the coast guard unit to get to the pier. "something messed up is happening" Daphne voices which wakes me up from my slumber i get up as does the others we look around the area.

"Like the coast guard here?" Shaggy asks then he catches something "Like what happened to the shattered windows and the busted walls" Shaggy exclaims causing us to turn around where we see the inn which doesn't have the shattered windows and busted walls What is happening on this island? I share glances with Ace and Peter I'm glad that i called Ace for help

"Yo Red! The Ball!" a Woman exclaims when a ball hits Daphne, she picks up the ball and throws the ball to the woman.

"Let's Go" Daphne exclaims as she turns around and starts walking away from the beach we look at each other and nod in agreement and we join her in walking away from the beach

"Anyone else think this is strange?" Shaggy asks when we walk into the pool area where a pool party has started What is going on with this island?

"Your not the only one who thinks that Shaggy" Peter voices

"We need to split up" Daphne says as she stops walking and turns around to face us

"Why?" Shaggy asks

"We still need to find Fred and Velma" Daphne replies

"I'll go this way" Mary-Jane Decides and walks off in her chosen direction

"like we will go with you" Shaggy voices to Daphne with Scooby agreeing to which Daphne turns down the idea and points for them to go in another direction, Shaggy and Scooby walk in the direction. Ace, Peter and I made our way another direction to look for Fred and Velma.

"Hey look Shaggy and Scooby are walking to Fred" I voice while we are walking, we stop walking to watch what happens.

"Fred" Shaggy calls out

"what up dog? and uh dog?" Fred greets

"Any idea as to what's going on with Fred? Could one of those monsters we saw have something to do with this?" I ask

"Well we saw one of those monsters grab Fred so they may have done something to him may even be possessing him but we have no way of confirming this just yet" Ace exclaims

"Yeah that is a good possibility, let's find Velma" I say we resume walking down the path we are standing on.

"Let's go into that building to see if Velma is in there" Peter suggests

"Good idea" I say and with that we walk to the building and made our way inside the building. We walk further into the building where we see Velma and a few people with her up ahead. I know what i told those three when we arrived i wouldn't speak with them i think i can make an exception this time "Velma?" I ask when we get closer to her, she turns around revealing that she isn't wearing her glasses she has a smile on her face Has Velma gotten possessed as well? "Velma What's going on?" I ask

"i'm just getting my swerve on right ladies, give it up" She replies

"What about those creatures?" Peter asks

"hold up there is one thing i do remember those creatures doing last night, that scream" Velma says then she screams at us Yep definitely possessed the people with her roar as well, when they started to advance on us we back up, exit the building and start running from the people chasing us not going to attack people who are being possessed. After a while we manage to loose Velma and the other people chasing us. 

"Well Velma is definitely possessed by one of those monsters" I voice

"Yeah, she has, the only question is how do we free people who have been possessed by monsters?" Ace says

"Right now we have no way knowing that, we will just have to work that out" Peter voices  as soon as we hear Shaggy and Scooby fighting with each other. We start walking in the direction Shaggy and Scooby's voices. When we reach a clearing we watch Shaggy and Scooby fight with each other for a bit then he falls down a hole.

"Scoob!" Shaggy and I Yell "Scooby's been eaten I've gotta save him you stay here i'll be right back" Shaggy exclaims

"no shaggy" Mary-Jane says in a deep voice "I mean it's too dangerous" She says in that sweet voice, Peter, Ace and I share a glance with each other at the change of tone.

"I have to he's my best pal" Shaggy says then goes to the hole "Friends don't quit" Shaggy yells then jumps into the hole with Ace, Peter and I following him into the hole. We slide down a tunnel and we end up in a cavern filled with Sand.

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