Chapter 8 Los Angeles Case

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Several months have passed since I was found and taken in by Mystery inc, the first month was spent getting me healthy. The next two months the gang spent teaching me how to solve mysteries alongside being homeschooled in other subjects. While that was happening Mystery inc focused on solving mysteries in Coolsville. Currently, we have just arrived at a movie studio called Knight Horse, we get out of the mystery machine and we see a man bought 5" 7 brown hair and green eyes walk up to us. "Hello my name is Henry Sullivan, thank you mystery inc for coming to solve the mystery plaguing the movie studio" He greets us

"We are here to help, what seems to be the problem?" Velma asks

"Since we came back from the last movie production a werecat-like creature has shown up and ruins any scene we shoot and chases everyone out of the building" Henry explains

"When did you first see this werecat creature?" I ask

"A month ago is when the werecat creature first appeared" He answers

"right, time to split up and look for clues, Daphne and I will look at the office, conference and reception rooms, Velma and Saffir you two look in the movie sets and Shaggy and Scooby" Fred starts

"We will look in the cafeteria right Scoob" Shaggy voices

"Ruh huh" Scooby agrees Fred and Daphne head to the reception room, Shaggy and Scooby head to the cafeteria and Velma and I head to the area where the movie sets are at. When we got to the movie sets we decided to split up with Velma going into one movie set and I going into a different movie set. Something on the bottom left-hand side of the wall on the left of the set, I walk over to the wall. Is That mould or ink?

I see something out of the corner of my eyes I walk over to the corner and I crouch down to see a trap door before I can open it I hear a growl that sounds like a human mimicking a cat growl I look up and I see a werecat creature I stand up and I start running to get away from the werecat creature. I run between movie sets with the creature still after me I push an emergency exit door open and I run right through it.

I am now a good ways away from the studio and the werecat creature is still following me. Perhaps I could lose the creature if I quickly hide behind something on seeing an alleyway I quickly go into the alleyway and I hide behind the dumpster I watch the werecat creature run past the alleyway. I wait a few seconds before I step out from behind the dumpster. I let out a sigh of relief, I lean against a wall What did that werecat creature not want me to find desperately enough to chase me so far away from the movie studio? I guess I will find out when I get back to the studio I snap out of my thoughts when I notice a man with ginger hair walking up to me.

"Hi, I'm Axl Rose what is your name?" The man with ginger hair introduces

"My name is Saffir Foxx" I introduce myself

"Do you know where your family is at?" Axl asks

"That's a long story, I'm currently living with mystery inc, I was helping them solve a mystery for the movie studio Knight Horse when I was chased by a person in a mask" I answer

"I'll help you out, let's meet up with my friends and we will help you return to Knight Horse studio," Axl says

"Alright, I lost track of where I was going when I was running" I agree and with that Axl led me to where he is living at. When we arrived and entered the building and he introduced me to his friends and vice versa. I will tell them the full truth about my past instead of telling them what I told Mystery Inc as I'm sure that they won't accept that With that in mind I told them my past leaving nothing out.

Axl and his friends helped me find my way back to the movie studio and I promised to keep in touch with them Axl gave me a way to keep in touch with them we parted ways and I walk into the Knight Horse movie studio. I went to the movie sets area and after some search I found Velma.

"Velma I was looking in one of the movie sets when I got chased by that werecat creature far away from the movie studio" I voice after I had gotten her attention

"Jinkies! Do you know why the werecat creature chased you?" Velma asks

"Yes, I saw a trap door just before the werecat creature appeared" I voice and I lead Velma to the trap door in the movie set. When we got to the trap door we opened it and went down to the trap door. We found a small room inside and we see a counterfeit money-making machine. We made our way out of the trap door and we looked for Fred and Daphne. On learning of the clues, they found as well as getting Shaggy and Scooby. Velma came up with a plan to catch the werecat.

The plan went off without a hitch and Henry thanked us for solving the mystery and we went into the mystery machine and start our journey back to headquarters.

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