Chapter 9 Luna Ghost Case

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"Let me go!" I hear Daphne scream from where i am in the barrel with scooby Why am i in this barrel? oh yeah i was somehow talked into doing the bait with scooby since Velma's plan involves a skateboard and i know nothing about them "Oww! Okay now i really have a wedgie!" Daphne mutters "Fred! Velma! Would you guys hurry up! This ghost keeps grabbing! Please!" Daphne shouts At least Shaggy told me the basics of how to ride a skateboard, note to self discard the knowledge when this is over as i doubt i will use a skateboard ever again.

"Fred, come in Fred, Fred! Can you hear me?" i hear Velma ask in the walkie talkie

"Fredster here Velms" Fred exclaims in his walkie talkie

"Shockingly Daphne's been captured again. It's OK when the Luna ghost rounds the corner with Daphne, Saffir and Scooby will pop out of the barrel" Velma starts

"then you'll activate the conveyor belt spilling the vat of oil on the floor"Fred continues

"Just remember my plan!" Velma mutters into the walkie talkie

"Scooby Doo calm down everything will be fine" I say to Scooby when i feel him start to shake

"Rikes!" Scooby suddenly yelps and the lid pops off as Scooby jumped i see the Luna Ghost while Scooby was blowing on his tail

"Boo!" exclaims the Luna Ghost

"raaaaaaahhhhhh!" Scooby screamed the Luna ghost breathed fire in our direction and Scooby ducked into the barrel screaming i walk to the skateboard

"Fred, Now!" Velma screamed as i am speed walking to the Skateboard

"Fed!" Velma and Shaggy Scream

"Sorry Velma! Shaggy" Fred states

"That's OK Fred" Shaggy voices

"I know Fred" Velma exclaims

"Rkateboard!" Scooby exclaims and i step onto the skateboard and i start moving the way Shaggy told me letting out a sigh in the process. i managed to navigate around the warehouse where we eventually managed to knock the luna ghost into a display case. I get out of the barrel and the display case mess.

"Daphne are you alright?" Velma asks

"I'm fine" Daphne mutters as she gets out of the display

"I'm never riding a Skateboard ever again" I mutter loud enough for Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby to hear.

"Where's Scooby?" Fred asked

"Over here" Scooby exclaims and pops up from the display. While Shaggy and Scooby chatted about Scooby and my experience with the skateboard and the luna ghost the mystery machine comes into this room. Who's driving the mystery machine?

When the mystery machine stopped my unanswered question was answered, a reporter stepped out of the mystery machine and walked up to us. The police was following behind her. She hugged Fred and thanked him for saving the factory. Fred signed some autographs and the woman made a statement about action figures which i roll my eyes at.

"Fred, what's the secret of your success?" a man asks

"Teamwork! I do a tremendous amount of teamwork and i always have a plan on hand" Fred answers

"Yeah my plan" Velma mutters with disgust

"I knew from the beginning there was never a phantom! the Luna ghost is in fact" Fred states and pulls the head of the Luna Ghost off.

"Old man Smithers!" everyone exclaimed

"Smithers wanted revenge after you refused to go out with him" Fred began

"How could you Pamela? I am a lover boy of George Clooney in proportions" Smithers exclaimed

"Fred how was the ghost able to fly?" the reporter questioned

"I can answer that watch!" Velma exclaims as she and Fred pull the costume off Smithers

"these balloons fill with a highly potent chemical synthesis. Giving the Luna ghost his weightless appearance!" Velma states and the button on Smithers

"And i would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that dumb dog" Smithers exclaimed as he floated up "I'll get you for this" he adds.

"Scooby Dooby Doo!" Scooby let out. We walked out of the factory and that is where the chaos began.

"Fred i can't believe you took credit for my plan again!" Velma exclaims as we leave the factory and head for the mystery machine

"Velma" Fred voices it all goes downhill from here and everyone but Shaggy, Scooby and i start arguing with each other about every little thing they don't like with each other. I sigh and i glance at Shaggy who looks as fed up with this arguing as i am.

"Hey you guys, look. I know i'm just the dude who carries the bags but it seems to me that we all play an important part in this group" Shaggy starts and everyone turns to Shaggy "I mean we're all like a big delicious banana split. Fred you're the big banana! Daphne you're the pastrami and bubble gum flavored Ice cream and Velma you're the sweet and sour mustard and Saffir you're the cherry on top" Shaggy continues I see Scooby nod at what Shaggy is saying "That sounds pretty good huh Scoob" Shaggy comments Scooby nods in agreement with Shaggy.

"You know what, you just put things in perspective for me Shaggy, I quit" Velma exclaims No please no

"No. No way. You can't quit. I was gonna quit in like two seconds. Now everyone will think that i copied off the smart girl" Daphne says

"Now wait a minute. Maybe i quit. Yeah I quit. I'm out of here" Fred says

"Good riddance" Daphne comments

"Don't.. No Don't go" Shaggy voices as Fred, Velma and Daphne storm off I find myself voicing my agreement with Shaggy.

"Now What?" I ask Shaggy No! Mystery Inc became like another family to me, they were the first to remind me of how families are like. Even with memories of my first life of how families should be like I got into the mystery machine with Shaggy, Scooby and we left the factory and head back to headquarters before we decide on what to do.

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