Chapter 13 Entering Spooky Island Castle

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Ace, Peter and i wandered around the party area until we spotted  Scooby after walking over to Scooby who is now with Shaggy. I introduce Ace and Peter to Shaggy and vice versa. We are chatting about various subjects when we hear "Shaggy! Scooby! Saffir!" we turn around to see Daphne  and she starts waving her hand for us to follow her.

Peter, Ace, Shaggy, Scooby and I follow Daphne who leads us away from the party area and to a castle that blends in with the name of the island by every means. This is going to be one of the hardest mysteries i think i have ever worked on

"No Way" Shaggy protests

"Shaggy" Daphne exclaims

"Uh uh Scoob and me don't do castles" Shaggy states

"Ruh huh" Scooby agrees

"Why not?" Daphne asks

"B-Because Castles have paintings with eyes that watch ya and suits of armor you thinks a statue but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around" Shaggy explained with Scooby doing gestures

"So how many times has that really happened?" Ace asks Shaggy

"Twelve. We're not going to do it" Shaggy protests

"Rhat's Right" Scooby agrees with Shaggy

"Would you do it and be fearless for a scooby snack?" Daphne asks as she pulls a scooby snack from her bag Scooby agrees and Daphne throws a scooby snack to him which Scooby ate but Shaggy still refused to go in

"Are you sure Shaggy?" I ask him

"I'm sure" Shaggy responds

Daphne, Scooby, Ace and i start walking to the castle when Peter says "Come on, do you want to stay here alone?"

"No thank you" Shaggy voices and Peter and Shaggy join us in walking to the castle, when we get to the castle we open the doors and we went inside.

"This place is like uber creepy!" Shaggy comments

"All this place is missing is a lifeless zombie" Daphne mutters as we walk in the hallway. When we hear the door open we turn to see Fred walk in. "Fred get back! i found this place first and i call dibs on this place's clues" Daphne exclaims on seeing Fred. I exhale through my mouth and gather myself Here we go!

"I've already found some clues" Fred says

"What?" Daphne asks quietly

"I followed some weird footprints up here, it might be dangerous for you and you Saffir" Fred voices

"If anyone messes with me i'll just open a 2000 year old whoopas on them" Daphne mutters Fred looks at me and i just raise an eyebrow at him. The statue behind Daphne moved and touched Daphne's shoulder i cross my arms and start tapping my foot as Daphne jumps and Velma pops out laughing.

"Velma!" Shaggy exclaims not happy with her antics I look at Velma a questioning look on my face

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction the most likely place to hatch a conspicuous plan and i wanted to scare the patootie out of Daphne" Velma answers

"Well since we are all together, let's split up and search for clues" Fred starts but Velma cuts him off by starting to complain about always being picked last when it came to sorting out who the teams are in the group.

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