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I was looking at the garden from the balcony of our room. The gardern was so beautiful blooming with bright flowers. Altough it was night time yet it still seems charismatic and mesmerising. It was my daily routine to stand here whenever I was waiting for him to come home.
Ali shifted back to his house after I finally decided to give him a chance and things were so much pleasant after that.It's been two years full of love,gossips,laughs,bickering, and teasing. I was more than happy I could ever be.
While I was thinking about the two years we spent together suddenly two hands hug me from behind and crept up to my waist resting on my five month baby bump Cressing it and I shivered with anticipation knowing far too well who these hands belong to.
"What's my cute wife still doing here?" Ali whispered in my ear keeping his chin on my shoulder.
"I was waiting for you" I replied leaning back on him.
He chuckled and his chest vibrated with laughter "Babe! Its been an hour since I'm back. I even changed and had a shower. You're still standing here. Just accept it you love to stand here" He replied amused.
I pouted at him knowing far to well what he said was true "I do. It's just so beautiful view. I can't get enough" I sighed in delight.
"Why it wouldn't be when you decorated it yourself." He replied looking at me with his deep blue eyes.
What he said was true though. I really did decorated the whole garden myself.
I even redecorated the whole house. It gives homely feeling to me.
"Did you talk to your father about your sister?" I asked him when I remembered my mother in law's call this morning. She told me that my sister in law was getting married and she wanted to talk to Ali about the proposal.
He shook his head in denial and sighed "I will tomorrow."
With time his father relationship with him was same though it did improve a little but still they were indifferent toward eachother.
I tried to improve it by making him talk to him. But it was still the same. They do talk to each other once in a while but weren't passionate towards eachother same as before but I understand it now some relationships are meant to be that way so instead of changing them for good we should learn to compromise toward them like Ali did.
"How's our champ doing?" Ali asked cressing my baby bump.
"Well and kicking" I replied chuckling.
"I can't wait to meet her" Ali said lovingly.
"Her? We don't even know the gender yet Ali. How can you be so sure Its a girl and not a boy?" I asked amused.
"It's father's instinct. I know it's my little princess." Ali replied smiling.
It was going on since I got to know that I was pregnant. Ali was on cloud nine hearing the news. Since then he's so sure  it's a girl and he still is.
"She'll be a daddy's princess. We'll make plans together to tease you and will make you complete our every demand. We'll be a team. Won't we Princess?" He said still cressing my belly.
"Oh really" I asked amused raising my burrows at his evil planning with my daughter.he chuckled and nodded in affirmation.
"And if it's a boy then he'll be a momma's boy. Ok?" I said teasing him.
"Next time babe. This time it's my little princess." He said smirking at me and I giggled at his childishness and he too burst into laughter.
"I love you so much" he said after a while looking at me deeply while I blushed red at the intensity in his eyes.
"I know" I replied looking at him with same intensity.
"I love our kid too so much you can't even imagine. No matter if it's a boy or a girl" he again said catching me in his embrace once again.
"I know that too" I again replied looking at him.
"Will you say that you love me back? Or will you just keep admitting it?" He asked in an annoyed tone knowing far too well that I'm teasing him.
"Why should I say that? Hmm. Gimme a reason" I smirked at him.
"Come on. I even wrote a love letter to you. What more do you want?" He asked referring to the letter he wrote me when I won the case.
"Love letter? You called that a love letter?you don't even know what a love letter is." I scowled at him.
"I wrote I love you in last line. What more do you expect" he said rolling his eyes.
"Well love letter is more than a simple 'I love you' I'm sure" I retorted back.
"How many love letters did you received babe?" he asked me amused.
"Well my own husband can't write me a love letter than who will wrote me hmm?" I asked back playfully.
"Very well then. I'll surely write a love letter to you one day. Though I think how odd that would be CEO of an investigation company writing a love letter to his lawyer wife. We'll sure be in gossips if we share this to the media" he replied laughing and I too laughed listening to him.
"I love you too" I replied after we sobered up and he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
We moved downstairs to have dinner. I looked at him and he was frowning looking at his plate.
"What happened? Why aren't you eating anything?" I asked him who shook his head and cleared his throat.
"Nothing. I was just thinking something." He replied back and started eating again.
"Are you sure? I'm feeling that you're disturbed since you came from office. You can tell me?" I asked looking at his face.
"I'm just worried about Rehman. Nothing much." He replied sighing.
"What about him?" I asked him knowing very well what Ali's talking about.
"It's been two and half year Ayeza. He still hasn't moved on from Kashaf. He just eat,sleep and work. He doesn't go out not even with his friends or in parties nor he smile or laugh with them. He just put on his fake smile in front of me to make me believe that he's fine altough I know very well that he isn't. He needs to move on from what happened." Ali replied gravely clenching his fists
"You're right. And he'll. He just need some more time." I said not knowing what to say.
"How much more Ayeza? Two amd half year are enough for a person to move on. He still hasn't. He doesn't even trust anyone. Not his colleagues not even his friends. Sometimes I think that he'll stop trusting even me. I'm worried about him.
I want him to move on to be happy in his life, make friend,enjoy his life,get married, fall in love. I don't want him to live like a corpse" Ali replied his voice cracking in middle.
"Everything will be alright. Ok? I'll talk to him. Don't worry." I said rubbing my thumb over his knuckles to make him calm.
"You fine now?" I asked him after some minutes.
"I'm fine. Just make me a cup of coffe. I'm in my study" he replied getting up and left the table.
Ali was just like that whenever he was angry or frustrated or don't want to talk he just get up and leave in this way he won't ever say a harsh thing to me. Altough it happened very rarely. Normally we understand eachother so much and gave ourselves some space when needed like right now though I know he needs me with him in his study or he'll start overthinking this matter.
Ali was right though. I couldn't help but pray for Rehman to be happy. He was like a brother to me that I never had. I made my mind to talk to him tomorrow.
"Here you go" I said to Ali handing over his cup of coffee to him who was looking very calm now.
"Thank you so much babe and I'm so sorry for earlier. I shouldn't make you worried in this condition." he said taking his coffee and kissing my cheek.
"Hmm. Should I punish you for that?" I asked playfully glaring at him who chuckled looking at me.
"You can but then be ready to be awake whole night. As I won't let you sleep after." He replied cheekily making me blush a fifty shades of red at his words.
"Shut up" I smacked his arm and he laughed looking at my red face.
"What are you studying?" I asked changing the topic as I knew very well that he'll tease me to hell if we continue with this talk.
"A murder case"he replied looking at the file in his hand.
"Really?" I asked him who nodded his head.
"Lemme see then. Maybe I'll solve the case early than you do. As we all know that I'm more intelligent than you and also more expert in this type of investigation" I said teasing him who look annoyed.
"Oh really! Is that a challenge I heard Mrs.Ali?" He asked glaring at me playfully.
"Yes Mr.Ali." I replied in same tone.
"Hmm I see than. The game is on then." He replied cheekily and I replied back.
" The game is on"

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