Chapter 2

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Finally,the day of my marriage arrived.I was getting ready in my room with the beauticians applying make up on me. Don't know why but i was getting very nervous and that thought scared me because i was never the one to get worried even if I'm standing in front of a serial killer and fighting against him in court.
"Wow!mam you're looking so beautiful"the beauticians gushed.I finally looked at myself in the mirror i was really looking beautiful in it. I was wearing a beautiful red lehenga with golden embroidery on it.
Before i could say something i heard a shriek beside me and i was engulfed into a bear hug by my sister
"Oh my God ayeza you're looking so beautiful. I can't believe this is really you. Are you sure you're my sister. Maybe this isn't you" she gasped.
I smacked her on her head and she giggled. At the same time,my mum along with amna entered the room and after seeing me my mum started tearing up
"My doll is looking so beautiful I can't believe you're getting married today"
"I can't believe it too" i wanted to say that but i shut my mouth.
After half an hour,mum informed me the barat has arrived and now it was the time of nikkah.i sucked in deep breaths because i was getting very very nervous.Amna assured me everything will be alright.
Qazi arrived after sometime and i was taken to the stage.A thick net was hanged between the stage as a separation.i sat on the girls side beside Harim my to be husband but I haven't seen his face yet because of the thick net.
Qazi started the nikkah. I was asked to repeat "i do" for three times. I was shaking on the third time.Finally i was asked to sign the nikkah papers which i did with the trembling hands.
Now it was his turn.He said "i do" in his thick intimidating voice three times announcing that now i was his.
The chorus of "Congratulations" reverberated in the hall after dua was done.My father placed his hand on my head as a blessing.After sometime,i was taken to the room to rest for some time because i had to freshen up for the rukhsati (departure)
"I was in my room getting ready when my father came with his stressed face,and head hung low. I immediately knew that something wasn't right.
He said"Harim had to leave immediately for the London after nikkah because there was an emergency. He couldn't do anything about it. So because of that he isn't here. We're delaying your wedding reception it can take place whenever he return.Since you had to leave for London with him in a week, your in laws will take you to London with them after a week as decided. Are you okay with it?"
I nodded because I couldn't utter a single word in shock i mean who leave his new bride on the day of their wedding. I know i don't know him nor did he know me but still this was unacceptable and what was the emergency?.My mind was swirling with different thoughts.
My father in law come next and apologized to me for his son.With the help of my sister in law Hamna and my mother in law i sat in the car after meeting my parents and relatives.
The car started and now i was on my way to my new house.
The car stopped after half an hour in front of a huge house or maybe i should call it a bungalowl I knew my in laws were very rich but the bunglow it was beyond my expectations. It was very beautiful and elegent. It screamed money
My sister in law helped me get out of the car and into the bunglow. I was taken to a huge room on the top floor. It was grey in color with black furniture. The room was very beautiful it was lit with the candles and beautiful rose petals were scattered around. Hamna guided me to the washroom and walk in closet. The closet had a side full of men clothes including shirts,ties,pants and other accessories while one side was empty for me to put my clothes in. I freshened up in the bathroom and changed my clothes. Then i decided to put my clothes in the closet.
"Harim like to keep his things very disciplined and arranged" a sudden voice of my mother in law startled me.
She was sitting on the bed beside me. I guess i was so busy in arranging my clothes that I didn't noticed her.
"Sorry, I didn't know you are here." I said embarrassed. She laughed and hugged me "it's alright i know you were busy arranging your clothes. I knocked three times you didn't open the door so i got worried and decided to open it and check on you" she said making me more embarrassed.
I didn't know i was that lost in my thoughts.
"Besides i wanted to talk to you i know you must be worried and maybe scared that why my son left you on your weddimg day but i assure you it's nothing like that it was really an emergency and his father was very angry with him to disappoint you. We're very sorry if you feel unwelcomed with his behaviour but it's nothing like that" she said. Her eyes showed how sincere she was.
So i answered,"it's alright aunty i understand.i can call you aunty right?"
"Yes,i would like that" with that said she hugged me.
"Uhm uhm here i was gone for half an hour and mum found a new daughter i guess no one need me now" my sister in law gushed.
I laughed at that i really like her she's so much like my sister."why would you say that when your sister is here, your like a sister to me" i replied in same tone and then she hugged me too.
They both left after saying "Good night" to me and now i was laying on my bed thinking that maybe I'm the first bride in the world who is sleeping without even seeing the men i got married to.With that sleep consumed me
I woke up to my alarm and got up and prayed. Then i sat on the bed thinking what to do now because it was very early. I decided to sit in the balcony for some time. At 9, i went down to have breakfast with my in laws. They were waiting for me on the table after morning greetings i had my breakfast.
After that i decided to meet my parents and spend some time with them as i was leaving the country in a week.
Whole week passed in the blur. I mostly spend time with my in laws and my family. I was atleast expecting a call from my husband but he didn't even bothered to call me. I still haven't seen him yet. I was getting restless and worried but i couldn't do anything about it.
Finally, it was the time for our flight to London,we got in the private jet owned by my in laws. To say i was astonished would be an understatement they were filthy rich.
It was four hour flight. We finally arrived at my husband house. He was not in the house. He was out of the city for some work so i was again disappointed.
My in laws stayed with me for two days and then they returned to pakistan.
I still haven't yet met him he was out  of the city for the whole week. His house was very elegent and beautiful and his room was very spotless clean. House had a huge lawn in front. Indeed, it was very cozy and beautiful but i was interested in only one thing that was
"Seeing him''
I was laying on my bed when i received a call from an unknown number I didn't attend it but when it rung for the third time.I attended the call.
"Hello! Who are you and why are you bothering me?" I said in the curt voice.
"Hello to you too Ayeza. I'm Harim your husband."

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