Chapter 11

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Mir looked at us and then continued
"It was a week before her murder. I was sitting in the coffee shop waiting for her. She was late. First i thought someone might have fooled me but i kept sitting down. She came afrer half an hour. I couldn't recognize her at first she wasn't the high school girl which i loved once. She had changed so much. Guess university life was suiting her. She had changed all her looks even. I mean dressing style,hair etc. She sat down on the chair all the while i was looking at her. She cleared her throat to got my attention. She apologized for bothering me and asked my help. I was confused and mad as these were the same words that she had spoken that night to me when she had left me two years ago. She said she was working for a guy named Feroz who is involved in illegal work. And she has all evidence against him. And she wanted me to have all evidence. To say i was shocked would be an understatement i mean she wanted to handover all the evidence against a powerful guy to me. She told me that no one knew about me and I'm the only person she trusts with this in the whole world. I was speechless. She wanted me to handover this evidence to police in case something happened to her. Which meant that i was her safe side as no one knew about me. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I thought for a while and nodded. She gave me a blue USB. She said it contained all the evidence against Feroz and his company. She wanted me to handover it to police in case something happened to her"
Mir finished sighing loudly
"Where's the USB Mir and why hadn't you handed over to police when you knew she was murdered and she told you to do so" Ali said narrowing his eyes towards Mir
"I have it but it's of no use. Let me get it for you" Mir said getting up. He walked over to his closet and opened it. He pulled out an envelope which had a blue USB inside it. He handed it over to Mir.
"Do you have a laptop?"Ali asked accepting the USB
"Yes" that was all Mir said and got Ali his laptop. Ali switched it on and connected the USB to it. Whereas i was still confused at Mir's statement.
"Why did you said its of no use?" I asked Mir
"Because it is empty" Ali and mir both answered me at the same time.
"What?" I asked shocked
"It is. That's why i said it's of no use. That's why when i got to know that Aina was murdered, i was going to handover it to police but when i saw it didn't contained even a single thing. Its completely empty. Either Aina fooled me or something happened. Why would she handover me an empty USB? That's why i remained quiet because i had no proof of her meeting me and telling me anything. No one would believe me. I was scared that I would be accused of involvement in her murder. So I remained in dark." Mir finished and looked at us expectantly.
"You think we're fools and will buy your crap. Tell me where did you hid the USB?" Ali seethed angrily and was about to punch Mir when i stopped him.
"I didn't do anything. You can't threaten me." Mir replied scared
"Stop both of you. Ali voilence is not going to get Rehman out. Please stop it" i said holding him by his arm
"Ayeza" Ali groaned "Let me deal with it in my own way" he spat
"No, I'll deal with it on my way. I'm the lawyer here not you. You hired me for this task. Now let me deal with it myself" saying this I turned towards Mir "Hope you are telling us truth. Otherwise it won't end good for you" i said narrowing my eyes at him. He gulped and then nodded his head.
We moved out of the house. When we sat in the car i yelled at Ali
"What's your problem? Not every problem is solved by voilence. Even if he's hiding something we need to be patient. Otherwise it won't work out."
Ali looked at me stifly and then shook his head "I know but I don't trust that guy"
"I know. Me neither but that doesn't mean I'll threaten him to kill him. There's a way of doing things. You know we both want same things. But the difference between me and you is that you want to prove Rehman innocent using any way which will be disastrous for us. While i want to do everything cautiously. There's no point in saving him if you throw yourself into an even bigger mess. Atleast now we know that Feroz used Aina to get of rid of Rehman and in this way he got rid of her too. We have a potential suspect now. All we need is evidence against him. This ain't gonna be easy but atleast now we know where to start looking. And we have that man Abdullah and Mir's recorded statement as a proof against Feroz involvement in murder. That's enough to adjourn court till next hearing." I said looking at Ali who was driving car silently.
"Ok. We're doing this your way. You're right we need to be careful" Ali said sighing.
"We should try to recover data from USB. Maybe we get something. I mean we can call an IT expert to check it out. Maybe we can recover something."  I said thinking for a while.
"Yes that's what i was thinking. Let's go to my office first. I'll have my IT experts work on it. May be we'll be able to recover something  since the data must be deleted months ago so it's hard to recover but we should hope for good" Ali said looking at the road.
We reached office after two hours. It was almost dusk. And the weather was extremely cold. We went to office. Ali went and handover the USB to his IT experts. We sat down in the office and Ali ordered coffee for us since the weather was very cold.
"I think it'll take maybe one or two days atleast since data was deleted months ago" Ali said breaking the silence.
"Yeah i think so" i replied sipping my coffee.
"I wish we recover something. Atleast then we'll have something against Feroz." I told him
"Yeah. And we can prove Rehman innocent" Ali replied
"I know we're getting somewhere but i don't know why but I've got this feeling that something isn't right. I mean i can feel it. And what I don't understand is why Aina will give an empty USB to Mir. And if Mir is lying and he is hiding it then why he'll tell us about it in the first place" i said looking at Ali.
"You're right. That's what I don't understand too" Ali was about to say something else but a call interrupted him. He got up and left the office and gestured me to follow him. We entered the IT office. A guy greeted Ali and told him something. Ali looked shocked to hear whatever that was and he told him to go.
"What happened?" I asked Ali when he approached me
"Something very shocking."

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