just walk with me.

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"How the hell did you get yourself into detention?" Remus groaned. He leaned onto McGonagall's desk, staring at the girl.

"See, Sirius would find the reasoning funny." Cerise chuckled. She sat at the desk writing a paper that McGonagall assigned to her. She walked out for a bit and asked Remus to watch her for a period of time.

"Well, Sirius is not here so?" He crossed his arms together.

She dropped her head while laughing. She looked back and saw Remus's stern face. She sighed while smiling. "Regulus was being a bitch."

Remus's eyes widened. "Regulus? I didn't even think you guys talked."

"We don't. I mean— not until a few days ago I guess. I don't know. He just started annoying me out of nowhere. It's actually pretty odd and suspicious. Ran into him and his friends right after I left you guys. They were pissing me off and I got annoyed so I jinxed him. Made the rest of his git friends scurry away."

Remus began to laugh but quickly stopped himself. Cerise however was too quick.

"You— you just laughed! You just laughed at the fact I bullied Regulus. Wow, Lupin. Didn't think you had it in you." Cerise pointed out.

"Lupin? When were we on last name bases?" Remus wondered as he relaxed himself into the chair next to the girl.

"Until you break me out of detention, that is." She rolled her eyes.

"C'mon. You don't even do anything here. A few hours with me isn't all that bad. And it wouldn't be the first time either," Remus smirked. Cerise felt her heart beat faster. She stared at the boy who was waiting for her answer.

"Did you ever use your liquid luck, by the way?" Cerise asked. Remus frowned.

"I actually forgot I had that. I stored that in my desk ages ago and forgot about it. Merlin, making that potion felt like ages ago," He groaned, leaning back into his chair as he remembered that time of the year. Back then, he still didn't understand how in the hell Cerise would ever want to talk to him but now, she was his best friend.

Cerise remembered that time of the year a bit differently. She wondered who the mysterious boy was and wanted to get to know the Marauders more and now, it was almost as if she was one of them.

"Time does fly by," She breathed out. Remus nodded. They both sat in silence and as the silence grew louder, she spoke once more. "What is Sirius and Peter planning for Rosie's birthday tomorrow anyway?"

"A basic party. I'm in charge of," Remus paused to look around the room, "the alcohol." He whispered. Cerise let out a small chortle.

"You? Really? Out of everyone they knew they put you in charge of alc—,"

"Shush!" Remus exclaimed before Cerise could finish her sentence. She let out another laugh.

"Mr. Prefect isn't so perfect after all, is he?" Cerise teased. Remus made mimicking sounds which Cerise gladly copied before McGonagall entered her classroom. As she saw the two she sighed.

"My fault for thinking putting you two in the same room alone would be good discipline for you, Miss Rein," Their professor sighed. Cerise and Remus covered their mouths in an attempt to suppress their laughter.

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