yeah... same.

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Remus never got the chance to talk to Cerise, as once Juno's eyes met with hers, he grabbed both Cerise and Rosie's arm and scurried out of the Great Hall.

Sirius put his hand on Remus's shoulder. "Moony? What's gotten into you?" With those words, the other two Marauders' heads shot up and slid down to where the other two were seated.

"I-I think there's a possibility that Cerise could be a werewolf," Remus hushed in the quietest voice he could. All three of his buddies' eyes widened.

"Rem, if you're trying to find an excuse to admit your feelings, you don't have to y'know?" Peter tried to reassure him, but Remus could see he had a very nervous expression on his face. Remus threw his hands in front of him while shaking his head.

"No, I'm not. Trust me, I would never wish this disease on someone else," Remus spit out. Sirius necked him.

"Stop calling what you have a 'disease,' Moony. Anyways, if you are being serious, what evidence do you have?" Sirius asked.

"She has werewolf scars on her arm."

"Maybe there was just an incident when she was little—,"

"No, Prongs. She had a lot of them. I saw it just now," he nodded his head over to where Cerise was standing before. "It's the only explanation. It has to be."

"It could explain a lot of her behavior," Peter added. They all turned to him and furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"What? I-I mean, she did skip last night's game which was coincidentally the same night as the full moon. She acts all suspicious when we try to pull her sleeves down which, if Moony's correct, could be a place where she has a lot of scars," Peter says before taking a deep breath in to continue on, "And have you ever see her on a full moon before? I'm not saying she is one, but if she was... I-It would make sense, I guess."

James placed his face into his hands, Sirius cursed quietly while sulking into his chair, and Remus scratched the back of his neck and began biting his nails out of nervousness.

What if Cerise was a werewolf? If she were one, then maybe having feelings for her wouldn't be so bad, Remus thought. But she can't be one. There's evidence that she could be, he pondered, but then again it wouldn't make any sense.

I could always ask her— wait no. No, no. Bad plan, Remus. He slapped his forehead making the Marauders watch him weirdly. If she weren't one then she'd be confused why I'm asking and- oh bloody hell. I can't do this. I-I-I'll just try to get her to tell me.

Remus stabbed a piece of broccoli and shoved it into his mouth, before chugging his pumpkin juice down awfully fast. James eyed him, stopping himself from shoving the broccoli bit he had on his fork into his mouth, as watching Remus stress eat made all three of them lose appetite.

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

"Ok, go on. Let me see your arm," Juno said letting go of the two girls once he found an empty classroom. Cerise hesitated, before sighing and pulling her sleeves up.

"Jesus," Juno let out a loud breath. "Why didn't you let Pomfrey fix you?"

"I don't need it. Plus, I was going to but-," She paused remembering the reason why she couldn't get healed, thinking about the secret she had found out. "I-I had to leave since these random kids came in. Didn't want them to see me."

Juno sighed as he did recall hearing two voices. Familiar voices. He knew he'd heard them before, but couldn't retain from where. He remembered hearing a few words from their conversation before passing out.

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