partners? sweet.

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"Hey, Evanssss," James said without even turning his head.

Lily stopped in her tracks directly behind Potter and Lupin, perplexed. "I-Wha-How'd you know I was coming?"

"I can always tell what your footsteps sound like," he said doing a 180 so he could face the red-head. "They sound heavenly." He tilted his head to the right examining her.

"Creep," she said scoffing.

"Ohh! Better luck next time, Prongs. I think the score is now 1536 for Evans to—," Sirius pretended to count on his fingers, "0 for Potter!" He, Peter, and Remus laughed at the sly burn as Potter turned and sunk his head into his empty plate.

Just as this mini commotion was going on, a black-haired girl raced down the great hall and slid into Evans.

Remus noticing, immediately put all his attention from the Marauders to the girl, as she and Lily giggled to themselves. She crashed into Lily, the word "clumsy" popped into Remus's head as he watched, but he knew she was anything but. When she walked, she glided. It was as if she was a mere fairy, floating through the wind as if her only job was to move swiftly on her feet, none of them knowing how much weight was pressured on her every second of her life.

Compared to Remus, they both were excellent secret keepers, and oh, did they have secrets to keep.

One forced to by choice, another devotion.

Where Remus was tall, lanky, and quiet, Cerise was loud, graceful, and took life less seriously. He knew their lives would never cross paths, but he still wished they would.

"Just got outta bed, Bug? You're a mess," Lily said cleaning her attire up. The girl had a white collared long sleeve on, which she had tucked into a plaid pleated skirt. She truly did just come out of bed and her looks definitely showed it. Her hair was the only non-messed up part of her today, as it was put into two messy low buns, her blood-colored hair strands revealing themselves in the updo. Remus seemed to be the only one that was mesmerized by her presence. Her smile seemed to cut right into his heartstrings, and as she laughed at Lily's numerous remarks, he couldn't help but melt at the sound. His eyes tried their hardest not to look down below her waist since after all, he was still a teenage boy.

Lily reached for Cerise's red and gold un-tied tie but she quickly slapped her hand away. "I'm keeping it like that, Lil. People who wear ties correctly always look like a bunch of nerds. Do take offense." She smiled at Lily and the boys that overheard the comment. Sirius grunted as he loosened the tie around his neck. Remus smiled at the comment and looked down at his tie, questioning if he should do the same.

"I'm sorry but—, Bug?" Peter questioned. Cerise turned to him and notice that all the three other boys were also looking for her answer.

"Oh, it's just a nickname I got third year," she replied with a wink. Marlene slid down from where she originally was sitting to join their conversation.

"She got so scared of a few bugs that crawled up her foot one time in the garden and freaked out. Started crying. It was pretty funny," Marlene added. Cerise flipped her off before laughing.

Cerise caught Potter lovingly staring at the red-head and took this as an opportunity to mess with her, and maybe make the curly black-haired boy's day better. She grabbed Lily by the shoulder and shoved her in between James and Remus, also putting herself in between Lily and Lupin. As she sat down her thigh and shoulder briefly touched Remus, and his face turned a bright red color. Sirius and Peter, being the first to notice, started making kissy faces towards their friend, resulting in a chicken bone being thrown at the two from across the table.

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