try to run and we'll kill you instead.

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April 13th, 1968

Cerise whined, clutching a tree branch as she lifted herself over a large overgrown tree.

"Juno, Stop! You'll get in t-trouble with dad!"

"If you want to keep being a wuss Cerise then fine, but I'm going whether you like it or not," Juno ran around the woods, deeper into them. Cerise began to whimper but followed anyway.

Ever since they were little, their father frequently told them not to go near the woods that were behind their house. Their father has always been a laid back fellow, but when it came to the woods, his usual relaxed persona turned serious. Juno recalls the speech he had gotten the first time he tried to sneak into the woods and was caught by their father.

He was 7.

"Never, and I mean never, go into the woods. You got that, Juno? You need to understand that what things lie there are creatures that shouldn't be messed with. You have all the land in the world that you can explore. Don't let your curiosity get the best of you."

What the two kids don't know is what truth their father had been hiding about the woods. But the mystery of it all is what intrigued Juno to explore more.

As they say, curiosity is what killed the cat.

The farther they went, the more ominous the aura of the area got, and the light began to dim. Juno look back and groaned to see that his sister was still following, making it harder for Juno to explore as every few minutes he had to turn back to make sure Cerise was still dwindling by.

The sound of his feet rustling in the leaves, the wind flowing in his face, and the faint chirping of birds in the distance. He paused at a random lake in the middle of the forest, the luminescence of it drew him in. Darkness fell upon them and Cerise stumbled behind him. She began to fidget, as the silence of their surroundings made her itch.

She hated silence.

Juno was the opposite. He loved taking in the quiet. He loved the fact that the only noise he could hear was the rustling of his feet and the few wild animals that scurried through the forest. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his brunette hair before continuing his exploration.

They had already been running for quite some time, but the freeing feeling that Juno felt went to a halt as he tripped on a tree branch and tumbled down a large hill.

"Juno!" Cerise cried. She steadily rushed down the hill, stumbling a bit but still managing to keep her balance. Juno groaned but looked at his surroundings to find an open area that seemed to be occupied by a living essence. He turned slightly to see a cave, four yellow eyes inside it beaming at him.

Cerise tried to run towards his aid but was haltered by Juno's loud voice.

"Cerise! Stay there! Hide!" Juno growled. He was breathing heavily, his side still hurting from the fall he just endured a few seconds ago, but that wasn't his main worry. He tried to get up as he did, the eyes that were glaring at him came closer, revealing two large husky fellows. They had a somewhat human face, but their hands and legs were nasty and dirty.

Cerise panicked. She started hyperventilating. Her anxiety didn't like what was happening, and neither did she. She ran and hid by a bush, watching everything unfold.

Juno looked around to make sure they couldn't see Cerise. He thought she had run off in search of their parents, but sighed in defeat when he saw her shoe sticking out behind a bush. He turned back to the creatures and yelped when he saw they were closer to him.

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