i would have said yes.

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'You don't know what you're talking about, Reg," Sirius growled.

"Don't call me that, you daft dimbo," Regulus scoffed, "and anyway, I wasn't talking to you." He turned back to Remus whose face turned white.

"I-I-I," Remus began stuttering. Sirius clenched his fist while Cerise watched in horror.

"Cat got your tongue?" Regulus devilishly frowned as he tilted his head. "C'mon, I thought you lost your stutter? What's wrong now, Lupin?"

"What is Regulus talking about?" Lily whispered into Cerise's ear. Cerise didn't respond. She couldn't. She was too busy watching the disaster unfold.

Regulus stepped closer to the group of boys. "I know what you are, Lupin. A monster. A freak."

Those words felt like a knife jabbed his heart. Cerise must've felt it too since a tear fell down her face. Lily gasped silently. Regulus watched the color drain from Remus's face. There was part of him that felt like he should shut up, but that part of him vanished once he saw the look on Sirius's face. It was pure terror and anger. He's never had that much power over his older brother in quite a while. It made him want to push more.

"I saw you and Cerise last full moon. I saw you almost transform into that thing. She had to carry you out and everything. It was pathetic. Out of everyone at this school, I didn't expect you to be a beast," Regulus chuckled. "How'd Dumbledore even allow you to attend this school? Imagine what would happen if the whole school found out you're a werewolf. It's disgusting to even be close to a killing creature like you."

The hallway went silent. So silent, you could hear a pin drop. Lily's breathing was probably the loudest thing you could hear. No one noticed it, however. Their hearts were beating too loudly for any of them to pay attention to one another. Remus's heart felt like it'd burst out of his chest. Everything around him was falling apart but at least no one but his close friends were around to see. Remus didn't even understand what he was feeling. He wanted to hurt Regulus, but if he dares lay a finger on him, he'd just prove his point. That he was a killer.

His mind started to fill with thought, and a voice began to ring through his head. A voice he hadn't heard in a while. A voice he thought he'd never have to hear again. A voice he never liked to hear.



A nuisance to society.

Lily broke from Cerise's grip and ran up to the group of boys and next to Remus. "Regulus you have no right—!"

All the attention was drawn to her but she didn't have time to finish her sentence. In a flash, Sirius jumped his little brother. Regulus cried out while Sirius tackled him. Peter sheepishly stayed back. He didn't know whether to stop Sirius or let Regulus have it. Peter looked around to make sure no one could hear or see them. If anyone did come he knew he'd be the first one to flee. He turned to Remus to see what his reaction would be.

Remus stumbled back. His eyes shook while he watched the Black brothers throw punches at one another. Regulus was bloodied up and even though it looked like Sirius was out to murder him, Regulus still didn't have the guts to hit his own brother with full force. Without even thinking, Remus began to run. He spotted Cerise in the corner of his eye but he didn't care. He heard her call out his name but he didn't care.

He just wanted to run. Away.

It was his fault they were fighting. It was his fault that Regulus found out. It was entirely his fault. He was the problem. He was the issue. He was a nuisance to society.

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