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S O P H I A | am i losing touch

"Carter, Sophia, get your asses out of bed, we have things to do today." The sound of Chloe's bellowing voice wakes both Carter and I up. I accidentally sit up, resting my elbows on Carter's chest causing him to groan, "Shit sorry." I wince, moving over off of him. He rubs his eyes to wake up, running a hand through his hair. I plant a small kiss on his cheek, before springing up, realizing I'm just in Carter's oversized shirt and panties.

"You look hot." I roll my eyes playfully at his words, going into his bathroom. "Do you have an extra toothbrush?" I call out while analyzing my appearance, hickeys dot my neck, my hair is falling in my eyes aka the famous "sex hair".

"Under the sink." Carter yells, his voice muffled from inside his pillow. Another knock, forces Carter out of bed, I can feel Chloe's impatience radiating through the door. "Let us sleep," He groans loudly, "No." Chloe snaps, knocking again.

Carter joins me, also brushing his teeth. It feels like that one scene from Bring It On. He nudges me slightly, looking at me through the mirror. I can't help but laugh a little, nudging him back.

"Ugh you guys are such a cliche, I'm going to vomit." Chloe's voice surprises both of us. "Had to make sure you were both decent, so can we hurry up please!"

He tosses a pair of boxers for me to put on so I'm not totally exposed. Outside in Carter's living room is Chloe, Claire, and Hunter. "Looks like someone got lucky last night." Hunter jokes, tossing a single dollar bill at Carter earning Hunter a shove off the couch.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask, a bowl of cereal gets placed in front of me, I look up and see Carter smiling, his expression telling me to eat before I go crazy.

"Well after you guys ditched prom to fuck, we got kind of bored and Hunter of course brought his weed, and lets just say that a certain college boy got a little too high." I nearly choke on my bite, "You corrupted my brother Hunter?" Hunter raises his hands defensively. "Hey I didn't shove the joint in his mouth."

"Liam is the good child, if he does drugs then there is absolutely no hope for Paige." I'm not actually that upset but there is some truth behind my words, I need the both of them to stay stable.

Carter's covered up snicker catches my attention. "Are you good there?" I ask suspiciously, my eyebrows raised, Carter straightens out quickly, "Yeah I'm great."

"What are we doing today that was so important you had to drag us out of bed?" Carter turns to Chloe, his head buried in his hands from exhaustion. "Okay, first of all it is 4pm, secondly we are going to a concert."


"This dive bar in the city, I know the singer of the band performing, she got us in." I notice the glimmer in Chloe's eye that Claire and I will definitely grill her about later. "I don't have clothes." I complain, trying to find an excuse, part of me just wants to stay in.

"Already taken care of." Claire says before tossing a tote bag in my lap. In it is some of my makeup, a white headband, a white crop top, a green plaid skirt, and my new leather jacket I bought over the weekend. "You can borrow my boots, I brought extras." I mouth, "love you" to Claire.

The whole car ride Chloe talks about this band we're seeing. "They're a group of high school students from Greenwood, their band is called Teenage Nightmare, the lead singer is my friend Andie, you're going to love her."

"I think someone loves her." Carter mutters into my ear, I raise my eyebrows in agreement.

The bar is located right outside the marina. The sidewalks are lined with people smoking cigarettes, vaping, drunks stumbling down the street. 

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