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C A R T E R | chaos

Sophia passed out by the time we reached her house. I didn't want to wake her to ask for her house keys, so I just picked her up bridal style. Her eyes twitch slightly but she doesn't wake up. I knock on the door. No response. Dammit. Their house is too damn big to hear me. I continue knocking on the door, I yell out in frustration.

Finally Paige answers the door. Her eyes go wide at the sight. I can assume what she thinks. "What the hell happened?" She gasps as she lets me in. I brace myself when I see her brother sitting at the table. His head shoots up when he takes in the sight. He looks scared and angry, like this isn't the first time he's seen this. 

"What the fuck, did you drug her?" He yells. This is stressing me out. How the hell could he think that?

"No, but her date tried to." He glares at me as I put her down on the couch. Thankfully, she doesn't wake up. "He also..." I stop. "What did he do?" Liam gets in my face. I inhale a breath. He won't take his eyes off of me.

"He tried to-" But that's all I have to say before Paige bursts out into tears and Liam punches a wall. It causes a photo to fall on the floor and shatter into multiple pieces. Paige yelps out at the noise. "How much has she told you?" Liam turns to me, tears forming in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I try to play it off as if I didn't snoop through her life. Liam shakes his head, "Never mind." 

"God." Liam puts his hands in his face. "This can't be happening again." Paige lets out another cry. This confirms what the notebook said.

"Carter." We all turn to face Sophia who is sitting up, she looks terrified. Liam and Paige rush up to her. "Sophia sweetie, are you okay, are you hurt." Paige keeps hugging her. "Do I need to call mom?" Liam says at one point. They storm her with questions but she keeps her eyes on me.

"I'm going to go, just wanted to make sure you got home safe." I make my way to the door.

"No stay please." Sophia whimpers. The first person I look at is Liam. He nods. "Let's give them some space." Paige whispers to Liam. He hesitates but gives in. 

"Thank you." He grabs my arm and whispers. Well it's progress. I don't think he wants to kill me anymore.

I walk over to the couch. Sophia immediately starts sobbing. I grab her hands. I hate to see her like this. "Soph, it's okay, you're going to be okay."

"No I'm not, he was so horrible." She cries out. "I know and I'm going to kill him." I move one of my hands to her shoulder. 

"Carter, all the things he said were true. I'm a slut. And everything he did brought back so much and I am probably going to have to go back to therapy because I was a stupid whore." 

"Stop it, you're beautiful. You can't let anything from your past define you. You know this." She shakes her head.

"Sophia, you are the most beautiful girl in every room, your smile brightens everyone's mood. I'm so happy when I see your face, and I mean that, every damn word of it."

She looks up at me and I just want to kiss her so bad. Even through the tears I can still see those goddamn emerald eyes. They are laced with sadness and pain now. The light in her eyes is gone. 

God I'm going to kill Gavin. How could someone say something so horrible about a girl like her. She's so sweet and loving. I wish she went with me instead. This wouldn't have happened if she went with me. I wipe away her tears with my thumb. "You are truly beautiful." I whisper.

I lean into her to kiss her, but right now it just feels wrong. I wrap my arms around her instead. When I pull away, I see the disappointment in her face, I recognize it because it's the exact same look I have on my face. "Carter?" She looks deep into my eyes. I nod.

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